Mind break

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I woke up to the sound of thunder and raining coming from outside. I rubbed my eyes to get the sleepiness from them and reached over to where Lord Sesshomaru was resting beside me but found the spot empty. I sat and looked around confused. I rolled out of my futon and walked to where I sensed the children. I walked in and saw towa and Moroha training and setsuna was sharping her weapon.

"Oh good morning mother" towa said looking at me with a smile. Moroha waved and setsuna walked up to me.

"I hope you slept well mother" she said. I nodded and stroked her cheek.

"Where's Rion" I asked taking notice of her absence.

"Outside with kirara" she responded walking away to sharpen her weapon again. I followed setsuna words and saw Rion sitting outside watching the rain and thunder humming to herself while petting kirara.

"Hey little one what are you doing out here in the rain" I asked sitting next to her. Kirara climbed on my lap and started to take a nap.

"You know Ive watched many storms like this one while I was sealed on the mountain. I guess I'm just used to it by now" she explained. I didn't respond back but continued to watch the rain.

"You know I saw lord Sesshomaru and lord Inuyasha leave earlier with her ladyship a little while before you woke up" she said standing.

"Did they say where they were doing" I asked. She shook her head and walked back inside. I sighed and watched the rain hit the ground. For a while I was just watching the storm as it seemed it wasn't going to let up any time soon. I slowly closed my eyes and reached my hands towards the rain drops and I felt the drops landed on my hand. For some reason it felt really good. I moved kirara from my lap and walked out into the rain and let the water hit my whole body.

"Lord Sesshomaru please come back to me safe and sound" I said to myself as I sat on my legs reaching up towards the sky.

Moroha POV
I walked from the training area to see of the weather was slowing down when I saw Aunty Rin sitting in the rain.

"Aunty you will catch a cold sitting in the rain like that" I shouted walking towards her covering myself with my robe of the fire rat. I covered her head so she wouldn't get wet anymore then she was.

"Are you okay Aunty" I asked kneeling beside her. She nodded her head and stood taking my hand. I saw her eyes change from white to brown meaning she just had a vision. I took her inside and brought her to her room to rest.

"Towa, setsuna come here" I said taking them by the wrist dragging them to a corner.

"What is it Moroha" Towa asked.
"Aunty Rin had another vision but she won't say what it was about. She was sitting in the rain earlier and I saw her eyes change from white to brown before I brought her inside" I explained

"What is all this commotion about girls" uncle Sesshomaru asked as he, dad and the twins grandmother walked in.

"Welcome home dad" I said walking up to him giving him a hug.

"Father Moroha said that mother had another vision earlier but won't say what it was about" towa said. He squinted his eyes and whispered something to his mother then walked off to Aunty room.

"Come along children it's time we eat" she said leading us.

Sesshomaru POV
I walked to Rin's room and hesitated to walk in but did so anyway. I saw her sitting on her futon watching the now clear sky that was full of stars and a full moon. I walked up behind her and kneeled to whisper in her ear. It was strange that she did not greet me like she always did.

"I have returned Rin" I whispered in her ear which caused her to jump but soon calm down as she realized it was only me. She turned to face me and it was then I noticed her face was stained with tears. I pulled her close to me as she didn't make a sound.

"What troubles you Rin" I asked kissing head.

"Moroha said something  about a vision you had but won't share it with anyone. Will you share it with me" I asked.

"I'm not sure that's the best idea Lord Sesshomaru this vision was quite disturbing" she said I didn't push the matter but still I was ver concerned. I was about to say something when a loud crash was heard from outside. We ran out to see Kirnamaru who was wounded and trying to enter the barrier.

"You seriously don't learn your lesson do you" Inuyasha said drawing his sword and the children followed.

"Listen dog clan something threatens us all. My daughter has been tricked by the lies of a madman" he said.

"What are you talking about Rion should be her- wait a minute where is Rion has anyone seen her?!" Towa said looking around.

"Rion has been secretly meeting with a man who hates all demons and half demons and wants to erase us all from this world to create a peaceful world. He used Rion powers to create the grim butterfly which erases all weak demons and takes control on the powerful ones and it's coming here next" Kirnamaru said. As soon as he said that we all felt a powerful energy and low and behold a giant butterfly was flying over the palace.  Rin stool behind me and the girls were standing behind her. Inuyasha shielded Moroha and mother covered her eyes.

"Holy crap" Inuyasha said. The butterfly flapped its wings and the barrier around the palace cracked and fell apart.

"Damnit watch out" mother said shielding her head from the barrier shards.

"Don't looks at the butterfly wings ! It will take control of you in a instant" Kirnamaru shouted but it was already to late. Inuyasha and I managed to cover the girls in time but not our eyes. My mind began to get fuzzy and the last thing I remember was Rin tear stained face.


Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Kirnamaru and Sesshomaru mother eyes all turned red and they all began floating towards the butterfly.

"No dad come back don't leave me" Moroha shouted with tears in her eyes. This was all happening just like my vision and if it was just like my vision I knew exactly how to stop it. I just hope my power alone will be enough.

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