Daughter of the King of the East

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Towa POV
I was petting kirara head watching mother sleep soundly in her futon. We are getting closer to finding where Kirnamaru daughter is. If mother's visions are correct then we should have a direct location to where she is. Setsuna was talking with Hisui and moroha about something and father and uncle Inuyasha were discussing the task. Mother woke from her nap and yawned. She stood from her futon and walked towards me kissing my head and then walked outside in father's direction. I watched them talk and then saw mother walk away back towards mother.

"Is everything alright mother" I asked standing waking kirara up in the process. She touched my cheek and nodded. Kirara jumped from my arms landing on mother's shoulder and nuzzled her face. Mother pet her and walked back inside.

I walked inside the hut to grab lord Sesshomaru sword and when I was to pick it up I received another vision. It was Kirnamaru daughter in the same cave playing a flute watching the stars. She looked very sad and I think I knew why. When the vision ended I gasped and sweat ran down my forehead. Kirara meowed at me worried but I petted her head to let her know I'm fine. I grabbed Lord Sesshomaru sword and brought it to him.

"Rin why are you sweating" Inuyasha asked wiping sweat off my forehead. Sesshomaru noticed and gave me a worried look.

"I'm fine don't worry" I said taking Sesshomaru hand.

"Anyway we all know the plan so why wait. Let go find this kid" Inuyasha said signaling moroha to come to him and hop on his back. Kirara jumped from my shoulder and grew into her big form. Setsuna, towa and hisui jumped on her back and glided into the sky. I was about to walk inside when Lord Sesshomaru grabbed my hand and picked me up. I looked at him confused but he didn't meet my gaze. We were flying for at least a hour and soon enough the mountain came into the view.

"There it is" I pointed. I looked for a opening in the mountain. This mountain only has one cave so it shouldn't be very hard to find.

"I see a opening in the mountain" hisui pointed out and he was indeed right there was a hole in the mountain closer to the ground. We landed on a flowery plan and lord Sesshomaru placed my down. The flowers felt so soft and I think moroha and Inuyasha agreed since we all don't wear shoes. I walked towards the opening and put my hand to the entrance which was blocked by a green barrier.

"I think this is definitely the place" I said looking back at the others. Inuyasha pulled out his sword to reveal the red version which is known to break barriers. When Inuyasha swung down I couldn't help but feel like breaking the barrier wasn't a good idea but I kept it to myself. We all walked in the cave and the further we walked the more bright it became. I suddenly felt a strange but peaceful presence.

"Who ever is there come out now" Inuyasha said. Then into the light stepped a half demon girl who had red hair and bright green eyes.

"It her" I whispered to lord Sesshomaru who stood slightly in-front of me.

"I mean none of you any harm. I have been waiting for you arrival half demon princesses. The two twin daughters of the Great Dog Demon's first born son Lord Sesshomaru and the powerful past reader Lady Rin. Also the quarter demon moroha daughter of the Great Dog Demon's second born son Lord Inuyasha and Kagome the girl who surpassed time to appear in this world.... I welcome you all" she said bowing respectfully to all of us.

"What's your name kid" Inuyasha asked sheathing his sword.

"My name is Rion" she said turned her head towards me and giving me a bright smile.

"I'm glad you all made it her safely and I'm especially glad you came lady Rin" she said walking towards me. When she reached my I walked from behind Sesshomaru and gave her a smile. She raised her hand and placed it gently on my cheek. That's when I received a vision about Kirnamaru coming here to try to take her. The vision came to a end and looked into her green eyes.

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