Arku and Rin

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Setsuna POV
It's been 2 weeks and we still haven't found arku or heard anything about him. Mother has been in a lot of trances lately. They've mostly been about the pin and the Wheel of Time. I noticed something different about the visions that she's been having. She gets locations of where arku has been and we go to the place and arku scent is lingering in the air but we always lose the trail mostly because the scent doesn't last long by the time we get there. I was watching mom stare at the clouds with her hair blowing in the wind. Father landed a few steps away from her.

"Hello father" I said walking outside standing besides mother. He nodded to me and made his way over to mother whispering something in her ear. She nodded and stood kissing my head before going inside to grab what father asked her too.

"What's going on" I asked him standing dusting the dirt off my pants.

"Your mother visions have proved that her and arku are connected in a way and my mother thinks we can use that to our advantage to find him. My mother also thinks that every day that goes by rins power grows and she will be attracted to the wheel of time. These visions that she's having is a sign that we need to hurry" he said. I looked back at mother who was putting things in order looking like nothing was wrong when once again she was in danger.

Later on the night Mother and Kagome were cleaning up the pots we used for dinner while towa and moroha were playing with kirara. Uncle Inuyasha was sharping his sword and father was resting against the wall with his eyes closed and arms crossed. It felt like a perfect family moment but deep down I knew it couldn't last. Everyone eventually left to go home and towa and my mother fell asleep and father was sitting outside. I decided to go next to mother and fall asleep on her shoulder.

Sesshomaru POV
Once all my girls fell asleep I flew to the roof and waited for something or should I say someone to make there move. A few minutes passed and as expected she started to move. Rin has been leaving the hut late at night and coming back before the sun comes up. This time I decided to follow her and see where she was going. To me it seemed like she was in a trance because when she tripped and sliced her knee she had no reaction. She made it to her destination and to my surprise she was face to face with arku. Arku placed his hand on her forehead and I saw Rin memories of what happened today. So that's how she's able to get visions of where he is.

"You will become the source of the Windmill of time" he said stroking her face then skipping away towards the forest. I jumped from my position and tapped Rin shoulder. She simply fell into my arms unconscious. After a while she woke up no longer in a trance and she looked very confused.

"Lord Sesshomaru? What's going on where are we" she asked. I didn't answer her and simply kissed her forehead. I now knew arku plan, instead of simply giving up his pin to hold the the windmill he's pushing Rin progress with her powers to make her the source of the windmill power. For once in my long immortal life I was afraid and powerless to protect my wife. As much I hate to admit it I may need my mothers help to protect her even though I knew how she felt about her.

"Lord Sesshomaru do you feel that" she asked sitting up. I felt a large mass of energy from the sky where the windmill was. Suddenly my mother landed a few feet away from us along with my daughters and brother.

"What the hell is this feeling" Inuyasha kneeling next to Rin helping her stand.

"That feeling is the Windmill of time searching for its new source..... and it found it" she said and immediately rins body began glowing white.

"Mother" setsuna shouted running to her as rins glowing body began fading away.

"What's happening" setsuna shouted at my mother.

"We were wrong. She wouldn't be drawn to the windmill , the windmill is drawing itself to her". My mother said shocked. Rin began shedding tears and I ran to her holding her hand.

"Son it's okay we know where she going let's just meet her the and hopefully stop this from happening" mother said as rin fully disappeared.

"Let us go now" I said walking past my mother and took to the skies with the girls following close behind. Inuyasha followed close behind with moroha  on his back. My mother was following also to my surprise. We reach my mother's home and there was a lot of thunder and lighting but no rain, the wind was very strong it was hard to fly.

"Father I see someone down there" towa shouted over the wind. I looked down and saw none other than Kirnamaru. I growled and tried to fly towards him but mother stopped me.

"Now is not the time for that son we must retrieve the girl" she said pulling my arm. I obeyed but still was glaring at him. When we reach the windmill Rin was being absorbed into and was half way in the middle of it.

"RIN" Inuyasha shouted but she didn't answer. When moroha got closer to the bubble Rin was being absorb into it started to crack. It must be her spiritual energy but her being a quarter demon she didn't have enough. As if on cue Kagome appeared on kirara and the demon slayer hisui.

"Kagome, you and moroha need to use your spiritual energy to weaken the barrier in order for me to slip through" I said which they immediately agreed to. They did what I asked and the barrier began to weaken and I began to fly towards it.

"Wait Sesshomaru! Why not just wait for arku to appear and take the pinwheel from him" she said.

"If I waited I would lose her forever and that's a risk I'm not willing to take mother" I said flying into the barrier. I'm coming for you Rin.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें