The deity barrier

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I felt wind blowing in my face as I woke up from my slumber. I opened my eyes to see clouds flying past me meaning we were flying. My vision cleared up and I saw lord Sesshomaru carrying me with the girls and Inuyasha following behind him. What really surprised me was the Rion was also on Inuyasha back even though Inuyasha didn't look very happy about it.

"Lord Sesshomaru where are we going" I asked. He looked down at me and he's eyes filled with relief. He kissed my forehead but didn't answer me. I saw Lord Sesshomaru mother palace come into view and soon enough we all landed there.

"Okay were here get off my back" Inuyasha said and Rion slid off. Lord Sesshomaru gently placed me down as I stumbled on my feet.

"Well well what brings you here Sesshomaru" his mother asked walking from behind her chair.

"We found the daughter of Kirnamaru, a young girl named Rion and he wants to kill her. She needs to be put under protection and we can't take her with us because Kirnamaru and Zero suspect us" he explained.

"Oh what trouble some people those two are" Lord Sesshomaru mother said in a tired voice.

"Also Rin released a power that they called deity. Do you know anything about that mother" Lord Sesshomaru added as Rion walked to stand behind me.

"Being able to produce the deity is a very very very rare gift and you me telling me she produced one" she said in shock. I stood closer to Sesshomaru a little embarrassed that she was praising me.

"Well I see that you have the child with you" she said looking behind me to see Rion. She same from behind me and looked up at Sesshomaru mother with confidence in her eyes.

"Hello Lady of the West I am Rion daughter of Kirnamaru" she said bowing her head slightly.

"No need for introduction and please do stop calling me by that title" she said as Rion lifted her head and smiled.

"Now then I would like to see you perform the deity young one" Lord Sesshomaru mother said turning her attention to me.

"I don't think so grandmother. Mother passes out when she uses it" towa said coming to my side with setsuna, moroha and Inuyasha. Her eyes grew wide when towa called her grandmother.

"In order to know how to help Rin not pass out we should how the thing works" Inuyasha said crossing his arms. I nodded and stepped forward.

"I need a target to protect" I said looking at the group. Sesshomaru stepped foreword and I immediately was against it.

"No way Lord Sesshomaru" I objected but his mind was made up. Now I was determined to make sure he doesn't get hurt in anyway.

"Okay Inuyasha send a small attack towards him" lord Sesshomaru mother said moving everyone back. Inuyasha sent a small wind scar towards us and Sesshomaru was immediately ready to defend me but I focused my energy and a white barrier wrapped itself around both of us.

Sesshomaru POV
As the wind scar made its way to us Rin created a white barrier around us and the wind scar was stopped and was mixing with the barrier.

"Amazing" towa said amazed. My mother was also impressed. White wings appeared from behind us and flapped at the wind scar dispersing it. The barrier then disappeared and Rin fell and gasp for air. I kneeled next to her taking her in my arms.

"See I told you" towa said running to Rin side helping her stand.

"I'm okay towa" she said using my arm to stand up. I stood slowly with her to make sure she didn't lose her balance.

"Well I'm impressed" my mother said walking forward.

"How can she use it without passing out is the question" Inuyasha said sheathing his sword.

"Well it seems she needs to control how much energy she uses when she creates the barrier. When she learns that the deity should become easier to produce" she explained. I looked at Rin watching her catch her breath but I noticed something red drip from her eyes. Then I smelt her blood. I turned her towards me and saw blood start to drip like tears down her eyes.

"What is this mother" I said as Rin wiped the blood from her eyes.

"That's what gonna happen when she uses the deity without any practice" she said handing Rin a handkerchief which she gladly took. When the bleeding stopped Rin stood next to me quietly.

"Well I assume you had another favor to ask Sesshomaru" my mother said.

"Indeed. We need someone to look after Rion and Kirnamaru will never suspect you because before you refused to get involved with our little issue" I said as Rin took Rion hand leading her to my mother.

"If I didn't get involved then what makes you think I am gonna get involved now" she said turning her back.

"Because I know if it was me you would have at least consider it" I said stepping forward. I saw her stiffened at my words and I knew I hit her soft spot.

Sesshomaru mother POV
Of course he knew how to push my buttons he hid my son after all.

"Fine I will watch over the girl" I said giving in. They all cheered which annoyed me.

"Oh thank you grandmother" the white haired twin sister said. I believe her name was towa.

"Stop cheering it's irritating" I said giving her a blank look. Rion stepped forward with the human girl holding her hand. When they reached me she let her hand go and walked towards me.

"Thank you for looking after me" Rion said bowing her head towards me.

"Hmf" I said turning my head sharply. Everyone else was getting ready to leave back to their home when Rin came up to me.

"What now girl" I said annoyed.

"Do you mind if I send letters to you to get advice about the deity" she asked.

"I don't mind I suppose" I said as I felt jest rush to my cheeks. She smiled and ran to Sesshomaru kissing his lips and Sesshomaru then picked her up and flew away with his daughters and brother following behind.

"So how come you didn't tell her the truth about the deity Rion" I said turning my head towards the young girl.

"She needs to become stronger before I tell her anything" she said.

"Hmf" I huffed heading back inside my palace.

We made it back to the village and something wasn't right. I walked into our hut and splashed water on my face. I looked into the bucket of water and saw Zero reflection on the water. I gasped and pushed the bucket over and looked behind me and saw nothing. Sesshomaru came in with the girls and looked at me with worry and confusion.

"Rin what's wrong" he said coming towards me. I stood and hugged him which he returned. The girls came over and joined the hug. I peeked over Sesshomaru shoulder and saw the spirit of zero floating there. She smiled and then disappeared. I gripped Sesshomaru tighter out of fear but he didn't noticed. Whats gonna happen now?

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