Father's comfort

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Setsuna POV
Rain. That's all I felt as I opened my eyes. I couldn't move my body but all I felt was pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a deep wound that split my chest and torso open. I looked forward and saw Kirnamaru with his sword covered in my blood. I looked behind me and saw mother dead with towa by her side also dead. I heard father but I couldn't see him. Kirnamaru thrusted his sword to my chest and I shot up from my sleep and was feeling all over my body for the wound he inflicted on me. Sweat was dripping from my face as I tried to take deep breaths.

"Setsuna what's wrong" towa asked sitting up rubbing my back.

"G-go get father I-I-I can't breath" I said hyperventilating. She quickly got up and ran out the hut. I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart  beating way to fast to be normal. My vision started to blur out. I felt a warm hand on my cheek and I looked up and saw my father blurry figure.

"Setsuna. You have to breath. Count to ten and breath" he said sitting next to me laying me down placing my head on his lap. I did as he said and started to breath slowly slowing my heart down. Once my breath and heart rate was normal I sat up and stared at the ground.

"Listen to me setsuna. Towa told me what your dream was about and I need you to know that I will never let Kirnamaru touch any one of you ever again. You need not to fear him" he said pulling me close to his chest. I listen to his heart beat which put me back to sleep.

Sesshomaru POV
As I laid setsuna back down on her futon I couldn't help but miss Rin. She was much better in these situations than I am. I was born and raised to care but no one but myself but now I have people to protect. My wife and daughters not to mention my half niece. Once I knew she was back asleep I went outside to stare into the sky full of stars.

I was watching the stars as I missed my husband and daughters.

"Rin! Come in it's getting late!" Wanda said. I made a wish on a shooting star and did what she asked. Little did I know someone has been watching me and was planning something that was gonna break me for good.

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