Trust me Sesshomaru

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Sesshomaru POV
I watched as the sun rose lighting up the area and I heard Rin slowly waking up. I stood from my spot next to the door and walked towards her. She noticed and smiled at me. I reached my hand out to her to help her stand which she gladly took. I pulled her to her feet and gave her a kiss in her forehead.

"So do you wish to tell me yourself what you were doing with Inuyasha last night or should I go ask him myself"I said looking at her face. I felt her stiffen and she looked at me with plea.

"Nothing of importance Sesshomaru" she replied pulling away and walking towards are sleeping daughters. Before she could reach them I grabbed her hand and made her stop.

"I smelt his scent on your lips when you went to bed.... so before I go and snap his neck off I want to here your version of what happened" I said a little angry. She sighed and closed her eyes and then turned to me with tears in her eyes that made me soft which I hated.

"It didn't mean anything and besides I kissed him....I figured out that by kissing the person who's past I'm trying to read I need direct contact" she said with a shaky voice.

"What did you need to see from his past that you could not have seen from mine" I asked.

"Since it wasn't you being targeted in the memory I figured that if I got the memory from the person being targeted I would get more details" she explained. I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her head.

"You should have just told me" I said wiping her tears.

"What information did he have for you" I asked pulling away.

"I know why zero created the rainbow pearls but I don't know why she she scattered them. Apparently they were to powerful together" she explained.

After I explained the situation to Sesshomaru I have yet to tell him the second part of my plan which was to let Kirinamaru take me. When he captured me the first time he tried to kiss me before Sesshomaru and inuyasha showed up and I think he knew that if he did kiss me I would see something regarding zero from his past.

"Sesshomaru I need to tell you something else" I said leaning against him fur. When he didn't respond I leaned closer to him and close my eyes.

"Your not gonna like what I'm gonna say but you need to hear this..... I need Kirinamaru to capture me again" I said. I felt him tense up and he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Do not ever say that again" he said in a low voice. I stood up and walked towards the sleeping girls and stroked their cheeks.

"His past holds the answers to why he hates humans and half demons....if I found out why I can find out more about the prophecy that the jewl gave him which could prevent one of our daughters from fighting him" I said kissing their foreheads.

"You can not expect me to stand by and watch you get captured by the man who held your life in his hands for a time" he said walking behind me.

"No but I need you to trust me Sesshomaru....Do you trust me" I asked turning to face him. He slowly nodded and I closed our distance and connected our lips.

"Then trust me enough to do this" I said against his lips.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)Where stories live. Discover now