Why are you here !

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Inuyasha POV
Moroha and I were were walking from the forest into the village carrying baskets of berries and herbs. Suddenly she stopped walking and was looking around.

"What is it Moroha" I asked her putting the baskets down.

"Do you smell that.... I think I caught Kirnamaru scent" she said putting her hand on the hilt of her sword. I took a big whiff of the air and indeed caught the scent of the bastard who killed my niece. I jumped in-front of Moroha and drew my sword when Kirnamaru landed. Moroha drew her sword and stood next to me.

"Please calm down son of the dog demon. I did not come here fight." He said placing his sword down and putting his hands up.

"First off my name is Inuyasha second I don't care what your here for" I said raising my sword about to swing down for the wind scar. Before I could Sesshomaru landed in front of me.

"Stand down Inuyasha" he said. I looked at him confused and sheathed my sword.

"Rin called him here" he said looking at moroha who looked a little nervous.

"Uncle Sesshomaru.....he killed Setsuna,do you truly think he won't kill Aunty Rin when he gets the chance" she said in a shaky voice. Sesshomaru wiped the tear that was threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Don't worry" he said walking away taking Kirnamaru with him. Moroha watched him leave and then hugged me tightly.

Kirnamaru sat down in front of me after bowing to me. Sesshomaru sat next to me ready to pounce.

"Now what did you want to see me about.... lady Rin" he said.

"I recently received a vision that involved you, zero and my children. My children and you were fighting  against zero.... you seem to know about my powers. Why would receive a vision Like that?" I asked.

"Well sometimes when your powers manifest you can see more the just the past ... sometimes you can see a possible future" he said calmly but I saw a hint a fear in his eyes.

"May I see this vision of yours" he asked standing making his way towards me but before he got to close Sesshomaru stood in his way.

"Do not come anywhere near her" he said while his eyes flashed red. I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay" I said slightly sad. We both sat back down as Kirnamaru sat in front of me. I gripped Sesshomaru hand as he leaned forward and placed his lips on mine. It brought me back to the time when he r*ped me. When he was done I immediately hugged Sesshomaru and stayed close.

"Well from what I can tell my sister is losing her edge.... to think she would go that far" he said sadly. Just then Setsuna and Towa walked in. When their eyes landed on Kirnamaru it went down hill fast. Towa tried to attack while Setsuna was frozen in fear. Sesshomaru stopped towa and I comforted setsuna.

"Girls it's okay I needed to speak with him about a vision I had recently and now that I got what I need he is leaving now" I said gesturing Kirnamaru to follow me. When we got outside I made sure Sesshomaru didn't follow me.

"I read a book about past readers and it said that for a time they lived under your  rule. What I don't know is which one you almost pushed them go extinct" I said crossing my arms.

"Well that's a story for another time lady Rin but maybe next time instead of a face to face just write me a letter" he said flying off. I walked back into the hut with Towa trying to comfort setsuna.

"Why was he here" towa asked angry.

"If he didn't know a lot about last readers then I wouldn't have to ask him anything but since past readers are almost extinct and they used to live under him he must know a lot. I'm sorry if seeing him brought back bad memories but whether we like it or not he has answers" I said to her walking back outside. This time Sesshomaru followed me and stood next to me.

"I didn't show him the whole vision where he ends up killing his own sister and then our kids killing him" I said to him leaning against his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and walked back inside. I also didn't show Sesshomaru the whole vision....he and Inuyasha die way before that happens. Maybe I will tell him but not today.

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