I am use to death but not like this

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I opened my eyes to see rain and dark clouds. I looked around and saw I was in a crater.

"I'm sorry Setsuna I'm really sorry" a voice said. I turned as fast as I could and saw Towa crawling to a non moving setsuna.

"Setsuna! Setsuna!" I yelled and ran over to her and saw a deep cut on her chest and her not breathing. My eyes went wide and tears dropped from my eyes. I dropped to my knees and cried.

"This what's happening to your children as we speak" a voice said behind me. I turned and saw Zero.

"Why hasn't sesshomaru used his sword to bring her back!" I yelled at her.

"Unfortunately out of anger I broke it in half.... I told him I want him to suffer" she said smiling sickly and laughed as she vanished. I turned back towards my youngest daughter. I kissed Setsuna forehead and cried. I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see Setsuna in a white kimono smiling at me.

"Don't worry mom towa will save me ... you can help her with your powers" she said while hugging me tightly. I hugged her back.

I woke up with tears on my face. I sat up quickly and saw that it was just me in the hut. I felt sesshomaru aura as well as my children. I ran outside my hut and my broken heart shattered into pieces. Sesshomaru was carrying a dead Setsuna in his arms and a crying towa and inuyasha holding a wounded and mentally exhausted Moroha in his arms who had dried tears on her cheeks.

"Mom" towa said sadly and ran into my arms. I hugged her to the best of my ability cause my mentally was falling apart.

"I'm gonna take my child home" Inuyasha said walking off in the direction on his hut.

"Come inside" I said releasing towa and walking inside the hut. Sesshomaru placed setsuna on my kilt and I couldn't stand seeing my child like this so I had to walk outside. Sesshomaru followed me as I threw up. He kneeled beside me and pulled me towards him.

"I should be use to this. I survived the death of my father mother and brother and yet here I am falling apart" I said laughing while more tears slide down my cheeks. He pulled me closer and eventually I broke and I just cried into him burying my face in his moko komoko and I gripped his hair.

Inuyasha POV
I placed Moraha sleeping form on my lap and sighed. Setsuna is dead. Kirinamaru is gonna pay for this big time.

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