Rin's Mistake, Sesshomaru Sacrifice

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I walked through the forest heading for the beach where I knew Kirnamaru was waiting. I send him a letter saying I wanted to meet him. This needed to end now. My family has suffered enough because of these two and I have had it. I read in the past reader book the we past readers can cause serious damage to demons brain to the point where the demons brain would swell and explode. I was planning on doing that the Zero and Kirnamaru even though it might take to much out of me it will be worth it. As I neared the beach I felt a large demonic aura heading towards the beach. I ran the the rest of the way and saw that it was Kirnamaru in his true form. I caught my breath and made my way down to him.

"Ah Lady Rin! So glad you can make it" he said walking towards me.

"That's far enough" I said taking a few steps back.

"Oh come now there is no need for that" he said but he obeyed my wish.

"I do hope you called me here to apologize for trying to take out my sister as a mere human" he said but I shook my head.

"No I called you here for a different reason. I wanted to speak with you first before resulting to my back up plan" I said.

Sesshomaru POV
I brought the note to Inuyasha and left with the girls towards the location she left on the note. I just hope she did anything reckless. The girls followed on the cat demon closely behind. Rin please don't do this.

Kirnamaru POV
I was a little confused about what lady Rin was trying to say.

" I'm afraid I don't understand what your implying" I said with a confused expression.

"I'm gonna ask you to leave my husband and children alone" she said with no emotion in her eyes.

"So that's what this is about. I'm afraid I can't do that. They have made me their enemy and the jewel prophecies that my life will end by a half demon who surpasses time. Your daughters and your husband's niece have that ability. I have to be wary of them, I'm sorry lady Rin but your request is denied" I said. She looked at me longing for me to change my answer but then he eyes shut down and she sighed sadly.

"I'm afraid that's not the answer I was hoping for" she said.

"Im sorry we couldn't resolve this but this is the end" she said looking into my eyes. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head that was increasing rapidly. I held my head and fell to my knees. Blood started coming from my eyes and nose and my brain felt like it was gonna explode.

"What are you doing to me?!!" I shouted in pain.

"I'm ending this futile battle now" she said as blood starting falling from her eyes but not as much as mine. I see now she's trying to make my mind explode.

"Your gonna risk your life for a demon" I said reaching for my sword.

"No I'm risking my life for my husband and my daughters" she said.

"Well I'm sorry lady Rin but this isn't the end for me" I said drawing my sword and lunged at her pointing it at her heart. But instead of piercing her heart it piercing ......

"SESSHOMARU!!!" Rin shouted. Catching Sesshomaru as he fell back into her arms.

The pain stopped but I was focused on the sight in front of me. Why would risk his life for this human?

I cradled Sesshomaru head in my lap as tears began falling on to his face.

"Lord Sesshomaru hold on okay" I said ripping off a piece of my kimono and wrapping it around his wound. Towa and setsuna ran to us with Kirara growling at Kirnamaru.

"As you can see lady Rin when humans do things they shouldn't usually other people get hurt" Kirnamaru said Mocking me. I ignored him and continued putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.

"It's okay Rin I am gonna fine" he said taking sharp breaths.

"No no no lord Sesshomaru I'm so sorry" I said leaning my forehead against his. Kirnamaru came closer to us which put me on edge.

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM HIM" I shouted pulling his head closer to me. Setsuna pointed her weapon at him and towa put her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Sesshomaru! If you continue to stay and love this human women you will meet the same mistake as your father. Be warned" he said taking off into the sky. As he did rain started to fall on to us and I was just left in shock. Was that true? Am I leading Sesshomaru to a fate like his father?

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