Past reader

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I woke up on a ship and was very cold. I tried to move my arms but they were bonded together. I sat up as soon as zero came in.

"Aww look who's awake" she said grabbing my arm and dragging me above deck. When we got there she pushed me back on the ground. Suddenly a loud thud landed in front of me and I looked up to meet kirinamaru glaring his green eyes at me.

"So this is her.... Sesshomaru human wife" he sneered grabbing my cheeks and inspecting my face. Zero nodded and stroked my hair with her fingers and smelling me.

"Sesshomaru won't be happy with you brother. This human means to much to him" zero said.Kinrinmaru glared at her and began clawing at my kimono. I closed my eyes praying that Sesshomaru finds me before he does something to me.

Sesshomaru POV
I followed Rin scent to a cliff. I landed and let to girls off to survey the place and any hopes of finding where Rin is.

"Uncle Sesshomaru look I see a boat" moroha said pointing out to sea where a old boat was currently floating and it looked like it was decked. Inuyasha and Kagome landed next to me and kagome went to stand with the girls.

"You girls stay here.... Inuyasha and I will go save Rin" I said as Inuyasha walked to my side. We shared a look and then took off into the skies heading toward the decked boat. I am coming for you Rin.

I could sense lord Sesshomaru heading my way. Looks like my captures didn't notice yet. Kirinamaru was looking at me with so much confusion and I didn't know why.

"I think I know what your powers are but I need to see them in action" he said grabbing my hand and placing on his arm. When my hand made contact flashes of kirinamaru past came to me. I saw him as a child and then as a young adult. I also saw a young girl a human girl.

"I will always love you kirinamaru" she said hugging him. I pulled away from him and was sweating.

"Looks like I was right. Your time in that tree have unlocked your powers as a Past Reader" he said leaning closer to my face. A tear slide down my cheek as I felt his lips brush against mine.

"WIND SCAR!" I heard Inuyasha yell as a large blast hit the deck. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both landed in front of me swords pointed at Kirinamaru.

"No need for violence sons of the great dog demon I got what I need from her" he said  waving us off and walked below deck. Sesshomaru kneeled down to me moving a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. I leaned towards him and rested my head against his chest as he picked me up and placed me on Inuyasha back.

"Let's go home" Inuyasha said taking off back towards the cliff. I ended up falling asleep on inuyasha back but I had a dream about the girl I saw in my visions.....I wonder what a Past reader is.

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