Unatural storm

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It's been a few days since the incident with the Windmill of time and things have peaceful. We've been looking for the whereabouts of Kirnamaru daughter who has been sealed away for 600 years. The memories that I gathered aren't really helpful but we at least have something to go on which is her mother's village. Her mother died close to where she was sealed. Right now I was watching the girls train with Inuyasha and Kagome. Kirara was by my side sleeping on my lap and a gently breeze blew my hair but the breeze grew a little harsh. I grabbed kirara from my lap and stood watching the clouds turn dark. Dry lighting started to crack across the sky making me jump a bit.

Kirara woke from her nap and jumped from my arms. The others caught sight of the clouds as well and began wrapping up their things.

"Let's head inside to take shelter from this storm. It looks like it's gonna be a brutal one, we should probably stick together" Kagome said. We decided Kagome hut is sturdier than ours so the girls and I ran to our hut to grab our sleeping things and extra clothes.

"What about father" towa asked as we started heading back outside but as we did the rain started pouring down hard and the lighting was striking closer to the village. We ran for Inuyasha hut and made it inside before the winds blew us away. When we entered we found we weren't the only ones staying here. The demon slayers hisui and his two friends didn't seem to make it back to the demon slayer village before the storm hit and were staying here. The girls placed there futons next to mine and went to sit and bicker with the demon slayers and moroha. I smiled but then frowned when I heard thunder along with the lighting growing louder.

After we ate everyone was pretty much tired and decided to sleep through the storm. Lord Sesshomaru never came back so I was worried about him but relaxed when I remembered he was a demon he could handle this. I snuggled in my futon and tried to go to sleep. A few hours past and I was awoke by the lighting striking the river next to the village. I was breathing hard and sweating but stayed quiet. I looked around and saw everyone still sleeping soundly. I suddenly received a vision of Kirnamaru daughter. She was watching a storm almost the same as the one happening right now while holding a sword close to her chest. She looked sad and scared and she whispered something but I couldn't hear her. As the vision ended I stood from my futon and walked outside not caring about the storm.

I walked to the water the lighting struck a few minutes earlier watching as rough raindrops and harsh wind blew it around. I fell to my knees holding my arms to get warm. My kimono was sticking to my skin but I was focused on the water looking at my reflection. When the water rippled from the wind my reflection changed into Kirnamaru daughter.

"I know you can find me.... Find me so I can help you defeat my father" she said before disappearing. I gasp and jumped back in shock. I didn't even noticed a tree falling over me until I looked up. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came. I opened my eyes back up to see lord Sesshomaru pushing the tree back. I sighed in relieve he wasn't hurt in any way.

"What are you doing out here in this storm" he asked kneeling down to my level. He picked me up flying back towards Inuyasha hut.

"Kirnamaru daughter appeared to me in a vision and said that if we find her she will help us defeat him" I said shaking as my body temperature was dropping from the rain. He noticed and wrapped his moko komoko around me and picked me up. Despite standing in the rain he's very warm.

"I think she's sealed in the mountains that I read in a book before... I think it's where the dream butterfly originated from originally" I said. We couldn't make
to Inuyasha hut so we took refuge in our own hut which was actually holding up well in this storm. I started a fire to get warm up but it wasn't really helping.

Sesshomaru POV
I watched Rin shiver in front of the fire. I took my swords off my hip and placed my moko komoko around her shoulders and took off her kimono. She looked at me in a lovely way.

"Now tell me more about this vision you had" I said.

"Well there's not much to say. She was holding a sword to her chest watching a storm like this one looking a little sad then she appeared to me in the water saying that if we found her she would help us defeat Kirnamaru" she explained.

"I never even knew Kirnamaru had a daughter but there's someone who might know something about her" I said. Rin looked at me confused and I kissed her forehead.

"I mean my mother. She might know a little bit about his daughter" I said as I looked outside and saw the storm calming down a bit. Rin also took noticed and put a new kimono on and began walking outside. I followed her after getting my swords and placing them back on my hip.

I walked outside and saw the sun coming hour from behind the dark clouds.

"Mom" towa shouted running to be with setsuna and the demon slayers following close behind her.

"Where did you go" she asked scanning my body for any injury's.

"She received a vision regarding Kirnamaru daughter but we must go to see my mother for a little bit more information before we seek this child out" Sesshomaru explained.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)Where stories live. Discover now