Forced Love

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I left the hut while sesshomaru was gone and the girls were sleeping. Moroha came over for a sleep over yesterday which is why they are still sleeping considering they were up almost until dawn. Sesshomaru went out before anyone woke up which didn't really surprise me. I walked around the forest grabbing berries and herbs for kagome. When I got what I needed I was heading down the path to the village but before I could exit the forest I felt a strong demonic presence behind me and I was met with a strong slap to the face by none other than kirinamaru.

Towa POV
I woke up to moroha's loud snoring and the sun shining in my face. I sat up and stretched rubbing the sleepiness from them. I looked around and noticed that neither mother nor father was here. I heard voices outside that sounded like hisui talking to kagome. That woke up setsuna and moroha and we decided to check out what was going on.

"Hisui what's going on" setsuna asked. He looked at her and sighed. He nodded to kagome who moroha followed.

"Uncle told me to relay a message to lady rin but she isn't here and neither is lord sesshomaru" he said. As soon as he said that father landed behind us.

"Girls what's all this commotion"he asked stepping closer.

"Well Lady Kagome said that lady Rin went out earlier to collect something's for her and she hasn't come back and uncle has some information regarding past readers". He explained. Without saying a word he took off into the forest. I hope mother's okay.

Sesshomaru POV
I followed rin scent into the forest where I found inuyasha who was inspecting a basket with spilled resources.

"Have you found anything Inuyasha" I asked walking to his side. He shook his head implying that he hadn't found her but I knew he wasn't telling me something. I gave him a stare which he knew meant tell me what he was hiding.

"Rin scent isn't the only one I smelled when I got here.....kirinamaru was also here" he said and my blood began to boil at the thought of kirinamaru kidnapping rin again.

"Sesshomaru....if we can't track them then all we can do is wait" Inuyasha said placing his hand on my shoulder directing me back to the village. It's almost night fall and Rin is still not home. The girls are anxious mostly setsuna since her and rin are very close.

"Father....I smell her" setsuna said running out the door before I could say anything... she definitely got that from me. I ran after her and she was right rin was walking into the village. Her kimono was ripped from the shoulder to her side and she was limping. I ran to her immediately and grabbed her into my arms.I picked her up and carried her back to our hut. Kagome brought over "a first aid kit" as I think she called it. After getting her cleaned kagome brought me outside to discuss what she saw while rin slept on Inuyasha shoulder.

"While I was cleaning her I noticed something. She had bruises across her back and her wrist were bruised from someone griping them.... I think kirinamaru r**ed her" she said sadly. I hide my anger and went back inside and saw rin sleeping in inuyasha lap with tears in her eyes. Kirinamaru forced his disgusting love on my wife and that will never happen again.

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