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Inuyasha POV
I wiped my sweat from my forehead as I finished giving blood for Sesshomaru. The blade that Kirnamaru used on Sesshomaru was effecting his healing powers. So we decided that giving him some of my blood to help him heal faster. When Rin brought him back to the village the light that always sparkled in her eyes was gone and that made me a little nervous. I have a feeling that something bad happened between her and Kirnamaru. Once I knew Sesshomaru was stable I went to see Rin. I found her sitting next to a river looking sad.

"Hey Rin you okay" I said sitting next to her. She didn't even look at me as a moved closer to her.

"Listen to me. Whatever happened wasn't your fault. You were doing what you that was right for your family." I said

"I don't know why I thought I could end this. I'm only human I can't do much of anything except stay out of the way." She said emotionless which wasn't like her at all. She leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"Well Sesshomaru is stable now if you wanna go see him" I said changing the subject.

"I will eventually. I just wanna sit here for a while" she said closing her eyes. I let her rest for a while before I made her go back to the village to eat. A few hours later I saw her back at the river staring at the sunset.

Setsuna POV
Towa and I just got home from a scouting mission for the chief.

"Thank you Kirara go get some rest" I said as she flew off. We walked into the hut and saw father sitting up putting his swords in there proper place on his hip.

"Father your better" towa shouted running to him hugging him when she was in reach. I walked slowly behind her and received a kiss on the forehead.

"Where's mom" I asked looking around the hut taking notice of her absence.

"I do not know. I have not seen her all day" father responded.

"Should I go lo-"

"Rin is at the river outside the village. She's been there all day just staring into the sky." Uncle Inuyasha cut me off

"Is she okay? She's not hurt right?" I asked frantically.

"No she's physically fine... but I think she's blaming herself for what happened to Sesshomaru" he said a little sad.

"She should have no such thoughts." Father said walking out the hut heading towards the river where mother was.

Sesshomaru POV
I landed in the field that was wrapped around the river. I saw her sitting with her legs dangling in the river. The moon shining down on her made her look beautiful.

"Rin" I said calmly. It surprised me that she had no reaction. I sat down next to her sitting with my legs crossed.

"Inuyasha has informed me that you have been blaming yourself for the wound that Kirnamaru gave me" I began. I saw her tense up when I said that.

"Rin what happened to me wasn't your fault I promise you. I choose to jump in the way"

"Be honest with me Lord Sesshomaru. I'm a putting you in danger? Are you suffering from loving me?" She asked.

"Of course not Rin. I choose of my own free will to love you" I said reaching for her hand but she pulled away.

"Lord Sesshomaru listen to me. I think we need to separate for a while. My presence is only putting you and our daughters in danger. I can't have that anymore. I love you and our daughters don't forget that. I will come back ..... eventually I promise" she said. I did not believe she was actually doing this.

"Rin what are you even talking about? Where would go?" I said frantically grabbing her pulling her closer not wanting to let go of her.

"Some friends of my parents are willing to watch over me for a while" she said resting her head on my shoulder.

"Rin please don't do this" I said.

"Tell the girls I love them.... I love you to the moon and back" she said kissing my lips gently before walking away. My eyes wided at what she said. Those were the same words I told to her when I asked her to marry me. Kirnamaru and Zero have separated us.

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