Welcome home Little brother

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Setsuna POV
Towa ,Moraha and I were heading out to meet my father because he claimed he was gonna set our Uncle well Half Uncle and his wife free from the black pearl. Moroha looked kinda nervous as we got closer to our destination.

"Stop worrying Moroha I bet your parents will be overjoyed to see you right setsuna" Towa claimed looking at me waiting for my response.

"Yes I am willing to bet they can't wait to meet you" I blandly picking up my pace. When we reached our destination my father was staring at the sky. When he heard our approach he turned his attention to us and received the black pearl.

"Are you ready Moraha" he asked which she gave a quick nod as her response. He then used his power to open another opening to the after life. Suddenly two beings came flying from the portal hitting the ground with a large bang.

"My stomach will never get used to that" the man said standing and shaking the dirt off. He then helped the women up who looked a little dizzy.

"Welcome to the land of the living....little brother" father said approaching the two.

"It's good to be back" he responded giving my father a hand shake. The lady who I believe her name is kagome went up to my father and gave him a hug which took him by surprise but he hugged her back. Towa cleared her throat getting the adults attention and have uncle inuyasha and aunt kagome caught sight of Moraha they both stood still in shock and happiness. Moroha walked to them slowly and when she got in their reach kagome hugged her tightly which she eventually returned. Moroha released her mother and jumped into her fathers arms. He picked her up off the ground slightly and squeezed her tight.

Lord Sesshomaru went to introduce Moroha to her parents but before he left I was trying to tell him something. Ever since I got released from the tree I have been having some weird visions. He left before I could tell him. I was sitting next to a stream thinking about the last vision I had but that one showed me something that already happened which was Lord Sesshomaru and the girls rescuing me from the tree. I haven't had one recently but I can feel one I'm about to get one.

"You know your not supposed to leave without telling anyone" Lord Sesshomaru said behind me. I smiled when I heard Towa and Setsuna behind him bickering with Moroha. He sat next to me and let me lean on his lap as we watch the girls bicker together. Soon enough inuyasha and kagome joined us and it was very peaceful..... for now

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