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               "Hold me tight,never let me go
       I've wandered everywhere to find comfort
    And ended up into your arms finding solace"

You got ready by 7:30p.m. and followed the directions that Taehyung explained to reach the top floor banquet hall. You were nervous and were pulling out your cuticles. There will be many people whom you don't even know and you don't know when Taehyung will arrive. You thought to give him a call before going there but didn't called him thinking it would disturb him and he might think you are clingy.

You reached the said floor and were standing outside the large door that leads to the banquet hall. There were already people gathered around the place,some were entering besides you who were thinking to enter or just run back to your apartment and binge watch a drama. The latter one seems convincing but you bought an expensive dress just for this occasion and as Taehyung said the host of the party is a bit arrogant. Moreover Taehyung will be here as well and the only fact of meeting him again makes your heart flutter. Thus new feeling makes you elated and you can't wait enough to see him again.

Finally you mustered up courage and entered the hall. Your eyes scanned the not-so-small but extravagant hall,filled with men and women claded in beautiful attires infront of them you look like a waitress. Golden lighting and 4 delicate yet huge chandeliers adorning the ceiling. A large table at one corner with n' number of food items and a small yet lavish bar at another corner of the hall. People were chit chatting with one another and sipping on their drinks. Slow music was playing in the speakers and some gorgeous couples are dancing to the sweet rhythms. It all looks so dreamy. The couples look dreamy.

You thought if one day you will be able to dance in such a lavish party,to a romantic song with your partner ,ignoring all the chaos of life just for one night, your anxious self being carefree in your lovers arms,both of you swaying in each others arms.

But it all seems so fictional and unreal. It doesn't happen in real life. Only the fictional characters get a love like this. Not real humans. So Y/n just come out of your dreamland and focus on finding any known face...I mean Taehyung...

You moved your head in both the directions and squinted your eyes,far away between crowd you found that one person for whom the introvert y/n came in a party all by herself, for that one person y/n put an extra effort in getting ready,adorned herself with jewels and wiped away her makeup 2 times and did again and again till it got perfect. Only his head was visible as there were a lot of people gathered around him. You walked near him. And with every step his picture became clearer, the crowd slowly vanishing and your heartbeat increasing.

Finally he came completely into your vision and you stopped breathing.....

His honey glazed caramel macchiato skin complimented the black tuxedo.
His hair covering his forehead giving him a dominating aura.
His onyx orbs shone in the bright golden light.
His boxy smile emanates comfort offered by a warm blanket on a cold winter's night.
Indeed he was gorgeous but today I can't tear my eyes apart from his own.
His mere existence light up my own presence.

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