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Finally you entered the elevator and pressed the button for your floor. You were still shocked and horrified about all that happened back in alleyway and were terrified about what could have happened to you if Jin didn't came on time to save you. Your body shuddered just by thinking about the horrible things and those disgusting hands that were roaming on your body. You wanted to wash up yourself as soon as possible to get rid of their lustful touches.

The elevator dinged and you reached your floor. You came out of the elevator and were welcomed with the one and only Kim Taehyung. He was standing facing your door. You wondered what he was doing infront of your house.

"Maybe he is planning another prank to annoy me. But last time we talked he seemed generous and honest. I thought he would stop disturbing me. Guess I was wrong."

He knocked your door. No response. He knocked again. You finally reached near him and tapped his shoulder.  He jerked at your action and turned around suddenly as if he got scared.

"Y/n its you. You scared me..", he clutched his chest and started breathing heavily.
You were quite unimpressed with his over- dramatic acting. You clicked your tongue," Taehyung you should try in the acting field. "

He gave a full teeth smile," why? Was it that realistic. "

"No but it was so dramatic. I thought I was watching a thriller drama." And you gave a nonchalant look to him.

He rolled his eyes at your comment.

"Now move." You ordered him and to your surprise he moved right away without any reply.

"Ohh someone is really obedient today."

You entered your key card and was unlocking the door while Taehyung was standing behind you. A thought crossed your mind.

" what was he doing here before you arrived? He clearly knocked your door but why?"

And you asked him," Well what were you doing here? I mean I saw you were knocking the door."
Your face still towards the door,trying to unlock it and phewww its open now. You entered into your home followed by Taehyung.

Taehyung replied ," Ohh that I want to inform you something. "

"What something?", and you gestured him to take a seat on your couch. You don't know why you allowed him inside and why you are talkingso freely with him. You two can talk at the entrance as well but you were exhausted and really wanted to end this talk and sleep, which is possible only if you hear him without any arguments. The more early he is done with his talk,the more early I can rest was your thought.

He sat and patted beside him for you to take a seat and you sat on the couch leaving some distance between you and him.

"You see Y/n...the thing is..." he started but then something caught his eyes. He quickly held your hand into his and asked worridly," oh my god! Y/n how did you got this cut? Its bleeding..." And you noticed a wound on your arm which went unnoticed previously when you were with Jin. You replied hesitantly, "its nothing serious Taehyung. You tell me what you wanted to tell earlier. " and you jerked your hand away from his own.

He frowned and took your hand again into his," No Y/n that's not important. Firstly we need to clean this or else it will get infected. Where is the first-aid kit?" He asked with the same worried expression on his charming face. You shrugged your shoulders," I don't think I have a first-aid kid." And you smiled sheepishly.

Taehyung stood up from his place and gasped," Y/n how careless you are? Don't you know a first-aid kit is must in each and every household. I wonder how you are surviving alone?" And he went outside. You hung your head low,ashamed of your carelessness. You heard voices from outside. Maybe he went into his apartment to get the first-aid. And you were right he came back with a first-aid kit in his hands and sat infront of you. He gestures you to give your hand.

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