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       "I hope all my weaknesses are hidden."

"In a dream that won't come true, I grew a flower      that couldn't bloom."

              "I make up pretty lies for you."

  "I'm so sick of this fake love,fake love,fake love."

"I'm so sorry but it's fake love,fake love,fake love."


The day she broke down into tears in my arms,the day she cried her sorrows out,the day I saw her vulnerable-self,the day she shattered like a mirror infront of me,the day her bright painting was ruined with dark colors as gloomy clouds hovering the sunny day....was the day I decided to never leave her alone...

My heart broke into a million pieces seeing her weeping over her parents death for the first time. That day I got to know why she didn't cried on their funeral because she wasn't able to...

I composed myself despite of my own heart drowning in sorrow,I calmed myself because I have to hold her together. I took her petite body into mine,carefully as if she was a porcelain doll and I may break her. I held her fragile body close to mine. Her head resting on my chest,her tears soaking my shirt,her hands clutching my back. I held her shaking body firmly,stroking her hair,patting her back. Trying to console her by my presence. Trying to convey her my comfort through my steady heartbeat. My calm composure was a facade to mask my own broken self.

How can I unsee her tears? How can I not feel her pain? I too felt the same pain when Jimin left me. We two were broken pieces of same puzzle,held together by destiny. We two lost our loved ones together. That day we two lost some part of our own selves.

People leave but they leave behind their memories. The Memories that makes us smile are the same memories that makes us weep when the people associated with those memories becomes a memory themself.

The stigma of losing someone always stays with us and somehow we learn to live with that pain. Pain can only be forgotten when we carry it and learn to live with it.

That's the beauty of pain. When we learn to live with it,it eventually leaves us someday, somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

That day I saw myself in Y/n. Her eyes reflected my emotions. Her words conveyed my thoughts. We two were connected with the same string of pain. And we have to walk together away from this pain. We have to fix each other.

Today I called her for dinner. I think I must reveal the truth. I can't hide this pain anymore. I can't betray her anymore. I can't break her already broken heart . I saw those raw emotions in her eyes yesterday which haunt me everyday. I don't want her to break her heart again by expecting anything from me. I can comfort her but I can't love her,not in the way she wants me to...

I'm scared of loving her. I'm scared she will leave me one day like Jimin. I can protect her but not everytime. I'm scared of breaking my own heart once again but this time I will breakdown completely. I'm scared of falling into the dark abyss of love without any exit. I'm willing to hold her hand but what if one day she decides to walk away,leaving me alone. I'm scared of abandonment.


She is here,her mere glimpse makes my heart beat crazily in my chest. She lightens up my mood by her presence. I need to control this feeling . I can't let my emotions spill out everywhere. I need to stop loving her.

"Hey Y/n..."

"Hello Taehyung..."

"Uhmm here have a seat", I pulled out a chair for her and she took a seat.

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