31- GONE.

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Namjoon asked Taehyung to go back home and take some rest,it was two days since he didn't left the hospital. The sleepless nights and tiring days left evident marks on his physical appearance. He became pale and his cheeks lost their natural glow. His body became more flail,he can't even stand straight without any support. All his friends were worried about his worsening health. They all scolded him for not taking his proper care and advised him to go back home,freshen up and take some rest. He agreed after a short banter and Namjoon's command. He can never say no to his hyung so he went along with other boys back to his home. Jungkook proposed the idea of staying with you and thus he was now sitting across the room on a couch.

He was playing with the hem of his jacket, unable to start a conversation. You decide to speak first and break the deafening silence.

"Jungkook can I ask you something?"

Jungkook lifted up his head and answered, " Yes. Ofcourse. " His fingers still playing with his jacket.

"Was all that a lie? Your friendship, your care. Do you not feel anything towards me?" Your question was direct and without any barriers.

Jungkook at once replied, " No Y/n. I genuinely see you as my friend. I know Taehyung was the one who asked me to befriend you. But trust me after becoming your friend I never regretted my decision. You were always a good friend of mine and I hope you will remain my friend in future as well. Y/n please don't change your behavior just because of that stupid act."

He was genuinely concerned about losing you as a friend which you can see as well but still it was hard for you to believe. You have to be careful with whom you trust from now on. Your trust issues were back and stronger than before. You rose your walls higher than ever,secured your heart with stainless steel locks and threw the keys into Pacific ocean.

You replied, " Jungkook I hope you understand how difficult it is for me to trust y'all. It just breaks my heart to know y'all were interacting with me due to Taehyung's plan. It was all fake and made up. Nothing was real. I feel that I don't have any abilities to befriend someone with my actual personality. " you laughed at your own words. No wonder you were always a loner,how stupid were you to believe them befriending you at one instance.

Jungkook's face morphed into a frown,his forehead was creased making fine lines appear on his forehead. He was disappointed with himself. He never wanted to make you feel bad." Y/n I can understand your pain. I was always left alone during my childhood. I never knew what it felt to have friends until hyungs came into my life but trust me you are a beautiful part of my life just like hyungs and I don't think anyone can replace it. I want to be friends with you for my entire life Y/n. I'm pretty sure even if it wasn't Taehyung hyungs plan I would've still befriended you. Since I became friends with you I've never thought about leaving you."

You soaked in his words and thought to give him a chance,what else can you do instead of believing his words," Okay Jungkook but still if you feel like you don't want to get involved with me,you can leave me."

"No way Y/n. Stop pushing people away. Taehyung hyung was aware about this behavior of yours and hence he lied to you. Please don't do this again." Jungkook scolded you.

"Okay Jungkook . I want to take some rest,you too should go now. Its already late." You advised him not wanting to hear those repetitive words of Taehyung doing all this to help you. You were actually feeling sick in your gut. This wasn't helping anymore. You felt horrible for playing with Taehyung's feelings and blaming him for his pure intentions. You were the one wrong here.

"Y/n you don't deserve all this. Taehyung is hurt because of you. He lost himself, finding you. He should not waste his time on a person like you. You can never love him the way he loves you."

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