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Some lies are more beautiful that harsh truths.
Some sweet lies to make someone smile.
Some sweet lies to make someone believe in themselves.
Some sweet lies to make someone live again.
We all love beautiful lies. That's why we read fanfics. Don't we?😉

The party ended up really well. You don't even remember last when you were this happy. Is it because of this cheerful party or a cheerful person whose company is being liked by you more than it should be...Anyways you didn't want to spoil your day hence you enjoyed each and every moment of the evening with the man alongside you. You two danced together, chomped on some delicious food,pranked each other and told Jhope about your funny encounters which led the sunshine boy to roll on the floor laughing.

"Taehyung I must go now...its too late and tomorrow I have to attend my classes..."

Eventhough Taehyung insisted you to wait for some more time but eventually let you go. You were now at your apartment recalling all the happy moments from today's night and Taehyung was still in the party which felt empty without your presence.

The party finally ended at 1:00 a.m. in night. Most of the guests were drunk and thanked Jhope for throwing this amazing party...He bid everybody a goodbye with his signature brightest smile.

"Hyung I'll take a leave now...Thanks again for the party and everything you did till now..." Taehyung bowed to Jhope and started to leave but got interrupted.

"Wait Taehyung the party isn't over yet.." Jhope's words made Taehyung stop in his tracks...He turned around confusion evident on his handsome face.

"We have an after party at my penthouse c'mon lets go.." Jhope adds further..

"No hyung I can't make it . I'm tired and tomorrow I have to attend few meetings.." Taehyung huffed out...A fake yawn escaping his mouth...

Jhope rolled his eyes," Taehyung stop with your drama. And you barely give us time. Either you are busy with your business or with that girl. You don't even attend our weekly get-togethers.."

"Its not like that Hyung. I'm busy with my daily chores that's it.."

"You weren't this busy when Jimin was alive. You would always take some time out for our meetings. Don't we all matter you anymore?" Hoseok's usual bright smile was replaced with a pained smile..

Taehyung's silence gave Hoseok his answer. He let out a sigh and held Taehyung by his shoulders.
"Taehyung we too miss Jimin a lot. His absence always makes us sad. But we all moved on. You too need to move on from his death Taehyung. You pushing away people and over-working yourself doesn't bring Jimin back. He must be sad seeing you being guilty of his death. You are not responsible for what all happened to Jimin. Don't burden your soul with someone else's faults."

Taehyung's eyes stung with tears that were about to fall down but he somehow controlled himself..He doesn't want his hyung to be worried about his condition. He just simply agrees to Hoseok's part and goes along with him reluctantly. But deep down he still held himself at the fault for Jimin's death.

"You don't understand hyung. No one will. No one can. Only my heart knows how much it bleeds upon Jimin's death. But for y'all I'll smile,I'll live even if its all fake I'll do it just for y'all."

They both reach Jhope's penthouse and Taehyung was amazed to see his elder hyungs present over their. He ran towards both of his hyungs and embraced them tightly. They too reciprocated his eagerness. Afterall,he was their dongsaeng.

"Ohh! Look Namjoon our dongsaeng finally got time to meet his hyungs.." Jin laughed out loud...

"Yes our lover boy forgot his hyungs. So lover boy Tae do you remember our names? Or shall we reintroduce ourselves?", Namjoon adds laughingly....

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