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Y/n was all set to start a new chapter of her life in Seoul. Lisa although forced Y/n to go Seoul but was still worried about her well being. She knew very well that this change will bring happiness in Y/n's life but for that happiness she have to pass a few tests. Life never offers happiness without any struggle. "What if Y/n shatters again". "She will be alone there,no one to look after her". :What if she gives up again on her life?".
No-no that's not possible, Lisa shook her head jerking away all the negative thoughts.

Y/n scurried into the compartment keeping all her luggage, Lisa is standing behind her. Y/n groans," Aghh how I'm gonna settle there alone and arrange all the stuff." Lisa didn't respond and Y/n turned to see Lisa's worried face. Lisa's eyes didn't cooperate and she gave away,crying her heart out.

Y/n reached her hand out and grabbed Lisa's face asking," why are you crying Lisa?". Lisa shakes her head and replies," I just got a bit emotional nothing else". Y/n caught Lisa lying blatantly onto her face and asked again," tell me Lisa.  I know that is not the actual reason." Lisa still sticked to her lie," No I'm not lying." "I-its just I'll miss you."

Y/n didn't budged away and asked again but softly," Is it because you think I'll give up like a coward at times of despair?".

Lisa gasped," No Y/n why are you thinking like that,I know you are really brave you'll face every difficulty with courage."

Y/n scoffed," oh Lisa please just shutup you know very well Imma big coward, I can't even make new friends, barely take  anyone's help in need, my social anxiety gets the best of me everytime. "

Lisa held Y/n's hands into her and spoke softly, " y/n I know you are an introvert and can't make new friends but new places gives new opportunities, there is always a first time for everything new. You gotta fight away your problems. You are my bestfriend you can't give up like that." Lisa paused.

Y/n asked," is there anything more to say?". Lisa then continued with a huff," Y/n just promise me you'll not try anything stupid like you did here in Busan. There'll be no one to look after you. Are you getting my point?" Y/n's head was hung low and she nodded lowly.

Lisa grabbed y/n's face," speak Y/n! Tell me something! Assure me with your words!."

Y/n snapped," what do you want to hear Lisa that oh I'll be a good girl, no I'll not try anything stupid. I'll be hopeful, cheerful,. I'll make new friends.  Is that all you want to hear then for your convenience I'll assure you about my well being."

Lisa hissed,"Y/n can you please stop being so dramatic.  Why don't you understand my point. I'm worried about you that's all!"

" why Lisa?why you care about my well-being? Why don't you leave me alone as everyone else? Please don't waste your time and energy on me. I-I'm broken. I have no emotions and I'm sorry but the fact that I can never payback your love and care hurts me. I don't like living a life where someone gives their best to me and I can't give it back. It makes me appear selfish."

Lisa pulled Y/n into her arms," No Y/n you aren't selfish, you're just different. You can't display your feelings and express yourself completely infront of others and its okay. Its absolutely okay. You don't need to worry about it. But please don't push me away like this."

Y/n apologized," I'm sorry Lisa I didn't meant to hurt you but I'm afraid of getting close to anyone,getting attached. They can leave you at any instance and I can't bear that pain."

"This is your problem Y/n. You think everyone will leave you. But its not like that you just have to search for someone who'll stand by your side willingly no matter what. You fear dejection and push away everyone."

"I'm built like this Lisa.  Its my nature. I can't change myself."

"Y/n everything can be changed if you are willing to. You just need to open up to people about your feelings, likes and dislikes. If you don't say they won't know. Not everyone is good at reading people. "

"Okay Lisa I'll try. I'll try everything new in Seoul. I'll make new friends.  I'll open up. I'll be more clear with my feelings. "

Lisa patted y/n's shoulder," that's like my Y/n. I know you can do this. I'm pretty sure you can find a boyfriend too in Seoul if you keep up with this spirit. "

Y/n giggled," oh!that will be great but what if I push him away too and he will be a jerk who will not stick by my side like you always does?"

Lisa hissed, " then I'll smash his face with a chair, and knock some senses into his mind."

The final announcements were made and Lisa got off the train. Y/n followed her till the exit and asked," And what if I find someone who'll not leave my side and bear all my tantrums like you do?".

Lisa grinned and shouted, " Marry him then and there. He is a keeper y/n."

The doors slid close and train started moving. Y/n moved towards her seat with a small smile playing on her lips. Lisa's words booming in her mind. "Huhh...no one can handle me like Lisa, she is my happy place. And I don't think I can find a new happy place in Seoul."  She thought.

After 3 hours of tiring journey y/n finally reached her destination.  She grabbed her luggage, struggling in handling all her bags. She stepped out of the train. She had a look around her new surroundings and she knew she messed big time. It was a bad decision to come here. She regretted agreeing with Lisa.

Fully crowded platforms, people busy on their phone,some with their friends ,some with their partners she guessed. Ignoring her existence completely a man nudged her shoulder, didn't even bothered to stop and apologize. "Pathetic " she thought. Everyone bothered with their own chores,not paying attention to their surroundings.

But there is no going back. Lisa will throw me away on the track if I quit and turned back to Busan like a coward. No I'm not gonna go back. I'll try my best to survive here.

She hired a taxi to reach the address texted by the management when she called them this morning.

On call:

Unknown: Hello. I'm speaking from Seoul University.  How can I help you?
Y/n: Hello I'm Kang Y/n.
Unknown: ohh Miss Y/n. We spoke yesterday as well. Do you remember?
Y/n: Ahh yes.
Unknown: so miss y/n how can I help you?
Y/n: Actually I want to inform you that I'm leaving for Seoul today. I'll report tomorrow. So can you please provide me the location of my hostel where I'm gonna stay?
Unknown: that's very nice. Well about the hostel, I'm sorry to inform you miss y/n. But there are no more vacant rooms left in the hostel campus.
Y/n: oh! No! Where I'm gonna stay then? I don't have a place to live there. I don't even have friends over there. And I'm not that rich to afford an apartment on my own.
Unknown: Miss Y/n calm down, please don't panic. I'll talk to the authorities and arrange a place for you to live. I'll text you the address once I confirm with the university authorities . Is that okay with you?
Y/n : okay thanks again for helping me out.
Unknown: Its my job miss Y/n please don't thank me. Okay till then Goodbye.
Y/n: Thanks again and goodbye.

The call got disconnected and the person shook his head thinking of Y/n thanking him again eventhough he asked her to not thank him for his duties." Being a university student, She is really considerate of all the formalities " he thought. A small smile playing on his lips, showing off his cute dimples, thinking how she panicked when he told her about the unavailability of hostel rooms.


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