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Y/N's POV:

Its been 15 days since we two are together. Life seems beautiful when I'm with Taehyung. I have noticed that I laugh a little more these days, I smile to myself most of the time,people around me thinks I'm a creep most of the time. A warm feeling settled in the pit of my stomach since that day of his confession. I want to live now...I want to live for Taehyung..

Taehyung is a perfect boyfriend..."boyfriend " this word rolls out my tongue quite often these days but still I'm not used to referring him as my boyfriend. It all happened so sudden and easily that it seems like a mirage. A beautiful mirage which seems real from afar but when we nears it to touch it and feel its reality ,it all fades away under my touch.

Whenever I'm with Taehyung I often touch him( not in that way) I hold his hands into mine to feel his realness. To somehow satisfy myself that he is real. All this is real. That he will never leave me alone. Now when I'm with him I feel more uneasy at the thought of him leaving me one day. This feeling of dejection never leaves me side.

"I've always been a pessimist..."

Taehyung however as always like a perfect lover he is reminds me that he loves me with his smallest possible gestures. He reminds me that he will never leave my side even if I push him away. I have learnt to embrace his care and love ,also to reflect his emotions with my own...I want him to see the best version of myself eventhough he knows how broken I'm. My imperfect self was the first self he encountered back in BUSAN. My lowest self was his first impression of mine and  ofcourse his first impression on me was like my life saver which he was...

I'm at my work now as usual their is quite a rush on this weekend as well. People like to spend their weends with their loved ones. They spend their quality time at cafes, in parks or shopping malls,sometimes in expensive restaurants..I was preparing the ordered coffee for table no.6

My work-mate, Jena who happens to be a student as well is taking the orders with her brightest smile possible, which is as usual fake. But she is expert at her job which I can't, so here I'm doing the work behind the counter and she delivering their orders.

Fake something which I can't do. I can't even fake a hello to someone, I don't know how some people fake their whole ass personality infront of others..I hate those people whose entire existence is fake..

I haven't told Lisa about anything yet. Not even touched the topic of Taehyung. She didn't even know that Taehyung is my neighbor. Not because I don't wanna tell her,its because I being a loner didn't wanted to disturb her with my worries when Taehyung was a pain in my ass back then . But now when he is my boyfriend I didn't got time to share this with her. I tried to call her 15 days ago but I got to know that she is in Hawaii enjoying her vacation with her parents and I thought its not the right time to reveal this news. Once, she is back I'll tell her each and everything in detail. Also we need few hours whenever we talk,because the conversation heads in random directions and ends on random topics.

"AHHHHUHHH", Jena gasps,looking at the magazine she is holding

in her hands...
I ignored her fake gasps as always. She screeches everytime she sees a hot boy in one of those magazines of her and then blabbers continuously about their charms and their wealth for hours. She changes her crushes everyday, not a big deal for her..

"Y/N YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!", She screams again, thank god there are no customers at this moment.

"I don't want to.." I replied nonchalantly sitting on a chair and munching on some donuts. I love this thing of working at a cafe. You get free goodies to munch on...

"Y/n you are so boring...If you don't see this beauty then you've failed at your life...what a blessing for our eyes..." she stated ,her eyes still glued to that magazine page and her hands roaming on that page...

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