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I entered my home and banged the door. I was furiated. How can he be so dumb...I called him but no avail...oh so now he is ignoring me...He didn't know that I'm "the Kim Taehyung"... He will pay for his mistake. I grunted after 3rd attempt and threw away my phone. I need a cool shower to calm my nerves down.

After a cold shower I laid on my bed,staring at the ceiling and my head filled with thoughts of Y/n. These days she is the only one running through my mind day and night. How much I avoid to think of her but I end up thinking about her. Why is it so? May be its because she reminds me of Jimin and his death.

Today as I saw her devastated state and that cut on her arm my blood started boiling. I'm not going to spare those bastards. How can they harm her! And I'm really upset with her. How can she be so careless. Why she didn't accepted Jungkook's offer to drop her...Aghh I know she told me that she didn't wanted to disturb him anymore but this girl she seriously needs to stop thinking like this. Why would anyone be disturbed by helping her? I mean we all need someone's help,we can't survive on our own. She is really naive.

And her question. As she asked "why do I care?". My heart started beating vigorously in my chest. I didn't knew how to answer her question. But I dumbly replied that yes I care. I should have told her that I don't care...I-Its just that I'm her neighbor and its my responsibility...Aghh I hope she doesn't take it in a wrong way or be suspicious about my intentions.

How can she survive alone in this cruel world, she is so naive. She needs to prepare herself for all the challenges that this world throws. She needs to become strong and fight for herself. She needs to voice her thoughts because not everyone is good at reading eyes. She needs to start living rather than just surviving. And I'll help her to become that person. I'll make her strong. I'll show her that she is worth all the love that this world offers. I just want her to enjoy her life and be happy. And not become another Jimin.

Since I was an orphan my life was filled with difficulties. Eventhough hyungs were there to support me but I still felt unheard, unloved and unworthy. I know how pathetic it feels to be alone in this cruel world. How selfish the people are and how low they can steep to fulfill their desires. I used to cry to sleep. I forgot to smile when my parents died but then I got Jimin. Jimin was the best gift of my life but he left me too early. I didn't even got a chance to thank him for his love and to say him how much I loved him. Jimin was the brightest star in my galaxy and without him my life has turned dark. But I'll slowly get accommodated to this life. Its not like that I care anyways about my life. It was always empty but Jimin filled it with happiness and now its back to being empty again. I guess some people don't actually deserve happiness and I'm among them.

Huhhh....Anyways tomorrow I have to take her for shopping and I'll try my best to get close to her and befriend her. Because now I can't believe anyone.  I have to stay close to her and she needs to trust me so that I can teach her how to love herself.

Y/N's POV:

He left and the loneliness slowly crept again. His smile is so warm and it offers a type of comfort that I can't find anywhere else. He surely is a drama queen but I love his funny side. He causes nuisance but he is bearable. Afterall chaos and drama makes life more fun to live.

Does he really care for me? Did he meant what he said?

Ahhh why am I thinking about him. I need to clear my thoughts. These days he occupies most of my thoughts. Its not good Y/n. You can't trust him this easily. People aren't actually what they show. He was soo rude during our first encounters but now he is all sweet. Is he really sweet or psycho as he was earlier. He is messing up with my brain.

He was so angry when I told him about that horrible incident that happened a few hours ago. He was about to burst with anger. But why? Its not like he knows me. Why does he act as if he care. Is this a new trick to prank me?

And why did my heart skipped a beat when he said he cares. And those butterflies in my stomach when he was staring at me closely. Only I know how I controlled my blush.

Why am I feeling like this?

I quickly typed all of these foreign feelings to see what it actually means and the results that Google showed were "love". I was flabbergasted.

Is this really what they call love?

Wait..wait....No Y/n love is a big word! You don't love him! You don't even know what love feels like. How can you love him when you barely know him. This isn't love. You can't love him. Its just you are attracted to him. Maybe because he is handsome and have a charming personality. Just because he said he cares for you doesn't actually means he cares for you.

But why did I loved it when he cared for me? Its all because I'm all alone here and I don't have Lisa with me. I'm so used to be taken care of that now when I don't have anybody to look after me I feel happy when an unknown cares for me. Its just I'm care-deprived and nothing else. Clear up your mind Y/n its not good to have such absurd thoughts about someone especially Kim Taehyung. He seems suspicious to me. Like everything from starting till this date,our encounters have been really weird.

But tomorrow I have to go to shopping with him. I'll try my best to ignore him. Just get done with the shopping nothing else. Don't talk! Don't share anything! And don't trust him! Its too early to trust him. I'll just mind my own business and try to interact less with him. Like this I can get rid of these unknown feelings and him as well. He will surely leave me if I ignore him,because no one likes ignorance.


Why does he feel so known yet so unknown?
Why does he feel so close yet so far?

Guys I wanted to give a sneak peek of both the characters minds. So this chapter was all about their thoughts and their future plans.

Now lets see if their plans turn out well or backlash them.

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