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You don't always need to make sense
Sometimes all you need is little madness...

If only our hearts were made of paper ,they can fly into the sky. With the blowing wind flies our hearts to new places ,reaching unknown people ,giving hope to the hopeless,love to the unloved and smiles to the sad one's.

Taehyung locked up himself in his room since 2 days. He was feeling lethargic.Trauma always makes people lazy and tired. The diary still under his vision, the words are imprinted onto his brain and carved deeply into his heart. A thorn pricked into his soul,slow yet painful death always hurts more.

His phone was ringing, feeling nothing he looked at the screen,the caller id made him receive the call reluctantly. It was Jimin's aunt. Aunt Ara always loved Jimin like his own son. Crying and sobbing the lady asked Taehyung about the details of her nephew's death. Taehyung decided to pay her a visit. Aunt Ara lives in a small cottage looking after her farmland near JangSan Mountain. She lives alone with her 12 year old son-Kai.

Y/n was living pretty well ,in other words surviving, breathing ,her heart beating in her chest,looking almost dead,face still blank,no emotions,no feelings,empty heart,head full of thoughts,soul darkened with grief. Its amusing how depression,anxiety and trauma makes human a living zombie.

Lisa didn't left her alone for a moment. She was babysitting Y/n pretty well. Atleast that's what Y/n thought. Lisa feeding her food,medicines,looking after her,tucking her into bed makes Y/n feel like a baby who needs special care.

"She burdened Lisa. Lisa is wasting her time on her. For how long you gonna receive her love and care without giving back an ounce of it. When you gonna repay it. You are a living person with a dead heart,you don't feel gratitude towards others. She is you bestfriend, not your mother. You are not a kid. She has other important chores to do rather than babysitting an apathetic grownup girl." All these thoughts corroded Y/n's mind.

Lisa didn't even budged when Y/n asked her to leave her alone. She was determined to never leave Y/n alone again. Y/n got a chance to sneak from Lisa's proximity as she got a call from her college to collect her documents. At first Lisa didn't allowed her to go alone but failed miserably to resist Y/n's puppy face. Y/n really needed sometime alone. And what place will be best than JangSan mountains. Its like second home for Y/n. She visited that place many a times with her parents in past. Many memories and emotions related with that place.

Taehyung is now at Aunt Ara's place. He explained her all the events that led to Jimin's death skipping the part of depression. Kai entered the room and found his mom crying, confused kid asked his mom,"why are you crying mama?". Neither Taehyung nor aunt Ara can reveal Jimin's death infront of kai. But the kid was determined to get his answer he asked again,"Are you crying because chimchim didn't visited here this time?" And he turned towards Taehyung, "Taetae where is chimchim? Why you came here alone?". Taehyung came up with an answer and replied, "chimchim is busy and I was missing you so I visited alone, he will come next time."

Naive kid bought his lie and aunt Ara came to a relief. She insisted Taehyung to stay for lunch which he reluctantly agreed to. She went inside to cook and now Taehyung is alone with kai. Kai asked Taehyung to play with him and now they both are playing on terrace.

Taehyung was feeling nostalgic. He visited here few a times along with Jimin. They always enjoyed peace and serene atmosphere of this place. But today was a different day. Taehyung is alone and his heart aching for Jimin.

He was busy thinking about all the happy times. Kai approached Taehyung with a request,"Taetae I'm missing chimchim a lot. Can you please call him? I want to tell him something. " The young boy's plead put Taehyung in a conflict, he can't call Jimin and can't even tell kai about Jimin's death. He smiled at kai and replied,"chimchim is busy now,he won't receive anyone's call right now." Taehyung immediately noticed a frown appearing on kai's face. He cleared his throat and asked kai,"you can tell me, I will pass your message to chimchim. "

Kai stubbornly huffed, "No! Its a secret which I'll tell only to Jimin hyung." The little boy was determined and Taehyung gave up. He came up with an idea and happily told kai, "You can write that message on a paper and send it to Jimin hyung." Kai was amused by Taehyung's proposal and asked how. Taehyung urged the little kid to firstly write his message on a paper. Kai agreed and wrote on a paper whatever he wanted to say Jimin, ofcourse he hid it from Taehyung and he smiled seeing kai's secretive behavior.

Finally the boy completed his task and asked Taehyung, "I am done with the writing part. What's next?" Taehyung asked kai to make a paper plane and kai made it by following Taehyung's instructions.

Taehyung pointed towards the mountains and asked kai,"Now throw this plane towards the mountains ". Kai was confused and Taehyung assured him by saying," do it the plane will reach Jimin hyung and he'll get your message ". Poor kai asked him "how does it work Taetae. " Taehyung was amused by Kai's curious nature and crouched down to kai's level he replied, " Chimchim is living up there on the mountain top, he is working over there and this paper plane will fly along with wind and reach Jimin hyung ." Kai laughed happily and bought Taehyung's sweet lie. He happliy threw away the paper plane into the air and his eyes were gleaming with hope.

Hope that it will reach his hyung,hope that his hyung can get his message and hope that he will receive a response from his hyung.

Taehyung frowned at Kai's naive behavior thinking, "How hope make humans believe in lies. Lies that can save a life,lies that can protect an innocent heart from breaking and lies that can keep us moving. But this hope can also break someone completely, leaving them shattered and unable to fix themselves".

It was a pretty lengthy chapter. I'm tired 🥱
Here's a little present for you all🎁💝😁
Cutie,sexy, lovely-JIMIN.😍

Love you all💖Bye🖐🏻

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Love you all💖

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