Corbin Reinhardt | Risky Business

710 13 1

Summary: you try to impress corbin with a flip but it goes bad

Warnings: none

Word count: 527

"Elton, can you hold my phone for a bit?" I said, a mischievous glint in my eye. "I'm about to do something a little risky."

I'd been planning this moment for a while, hoping to pull off a stunt I'd never attempted before. It could either end in glory or disaster, but I was aiming for the former.

Elton gave me a look of concern. "Please don't injure yourself," he pleaded, clearly worried about my well-being.

My nerves skyrocketed as I noticed Corbin and Corey watching intently. I'd been harboring a secret crush on Corbin for ages, and this was my chance to impress him. With a deep breath, I steeled myself, determined to make this moment count.

I stood on the trampoline with the wall in front of me. I got into position to do a double backflip, and the first one went well. However, when I tried to land on the second try, everything went black.

Unbeknownst to me, my landing had gone awry, and I ended up tumbling off the trampoline, hitting my head on the floor with a sickening thud. Panic set in as my friends rushed to my side, shouting my name and trying to rouse me.

"Y/N! Wake up!" Corbin yelled, gently shaking my shoulders.

The rest of the group hovered over me, their expressions filled with worry as they waited for any sign that I was okay.


I groaned as I regained consciousness, finding myself in a hospital bed with my friends surrounding me. Confused and still disoriented, I attempted to sit up, but Corbin's gentle hand stopped me.

"Take it easy," he said softly. "You attempted a double backflip on the trampoline but landed awkwardly on the side, resulting in a concussion and a broken rib."

The news hit me like a freight train. Sighing, I leaned my head back against the pillow. "Damn," I muttered, feeling defeated.

Corbin cleared his throat, a mix of curiosity and concern in his voice. "Elton told me you were trying to impress me?"

The others exchanged knowing glances before quietly excusing themselves from the room, sensing the intimate nature of the moment unfolding between Corbin and me.

I managed a weak laugh. "Heh, tried is definitely the key word."

Corbin chuckled in response. "I'll admit, it was brave of you to attempt such a difficult move, but also a bit foolish."

I sighed, feeling the sting of failure. "I know. I thought I had it after months of practice. I just imagined I could land it."

Corbin's expression softened, understanding filling his gaze. "You'll get there eventually. But the doctor said you'll need at least two months of rest to heal properly."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "You're kidding, right?"

Corbin shook his head. "Nope, I'm afraid not. Doctor's orders."

Groaning, I muttered, "This is torture."

A smirk tugged at the corner of Corbin's mouth as he leaned in, his lips brushing against my forehead. "Hey, it's not all bad. You get to spend the next few weeks with me, don't you?"

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now