Brandon gross | Spooked and Sleepy

624 14 8

Summary: you go to the clown motel with the guys

warnings: clowns and spirits

word count: 599

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The five of you arrived at a rather peculiar place for the night—a clown motel. Every room was adorned with a creepy painting of a clown on the wall, which sent shivers down your spine. Like Corey, you've always had a fear of clowns, thanks in part to the terrifying movie "IT."

Brandon and you decided to share a room, while Corey, Elton, and Corbin crammed into the other, somehow managing to make the space work. Evan, however, opted for a room of his own, perhaps seeking a bit of peace and quiet.

Before turning in for the night, you strategically placed one of your ghost-hunting tools at the foot of the bed shared by Corey, Elton, and Corbin. The room was also filled with GoPros, ensuring that you wouldn't miss a single moment of potential paranormal activity.

You were all exhausted from the long journey, so everyone decided to take a moment to rest and relax. Despite your fatigue, the room remained on high alert—the ghost-hunting tool was still active, waiting to catch any potential paranormal activity.

Just as you were about to drift off, your gaze wandering to the sinister clown painting looming over your bed, the machine emitted a sudden beep. Startled, you jolt upright, your heart racing.

"What the heck was that?" you exclaim, glancing around the room for any signs of movement.

The others were roused from their slumber as well, sitting up and rubbing their eyes groggily.

"Did the tool go off?" Corey asked, his voice thick with sleep.

Nodding, you pointed to the device at the foot of their bed. "Yeah, it beeped. But I don't see anything unusual."

Corbin, who had rolled over to his stomach, groaned and covered his ears, trying to block out the persistent beeping. "That thing has never gone off this much before," he remarked, annoyance lacing his voice.

"It's ridiculously loud," Corey agreed, trying to settle back into his spot on the bed.

"Uh, thank you," Elton chimed in, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. Despite his attempts to fall back asleep, the noise continued to disrupt the peaceful silence of the room.

You nestled closer to Brandon, his warmth and presence providing a small sense of comfort. "Brandon, I'm so tired," you whispered, fatigue evident in your voice.

"Just try to sleep, babe," Brandon replied, pulling you closer. "I'll ask if we can turn the machine off in a minute."

The reassurance was enough for you, and within ten minutes, you were fast asleep. However, the calm didn't last long, as the box beeped once more, jarring you from your slumber.

"Elton," Corey pleaded, his patience wearing thin. "For the love of all that is holy, can you please turn that thing off? (Your name) is trying to get some sleep."

With a resigned sigh, Elton climbed out of bed and walked over to the beeping box. He fiddled with the buttons, finally managing to silence the persistent noise. "There, it's off," he announced.

You breathed a quiet sigh of relief. "Thank you, Elton," you mumbled, your voice heavy with exhaustion.

Elton returned to his spot on the bed, his movements slow and deliberate in an effort not to disturb the others. "No problem. Now let's all try to get some sleep," he replied, settling back down beneath the covers.

As the room fell silent once more, you closed your eyes, hoping that this time, you would be able to drift off undisturbed.

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now