Corbin Reinhardt | Sleepy Embrace

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Summary: You drifted off to sleep in Corbin's arms while the rest of the group explored the asylum. When you woke up, you were greeted by the sight of the boys standing over you, whispering about how adorable you and Corbin looked together.

Warnings: Exploring abandoned Insane Asylums

Word Count: 887

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Elton said into the camera with enthusiasm, the intro for the video. "Welcome back, everyone! For this week's video, we're exploring the notorious Eloise Insane Asylum. Let's meet up with our tour guide and discover the spine-tingling history of this eerie place."

As you entered the towering, derelict building, you felt a chill run down your spine. A man in a dark suit was waiting for you in a nearby room, and he gave you a brief but unsettling overview of the asylum's past.

You couldn't shake the feeling of unease as you walked through the dank hallways. The thought of the suffering that had taken place within these walls made your skin crawl. You knew this place would haunt your dreams for nights to come.

Eventually, you found yourself in a room that appeared to be a shower area. Elton turned to you and Corbin. "How about you two stay here for five minutes and see if anything happens? I'll be just outside."

You exchanged a nervous glance with Corbin. "He's probably planning to lock us in here for a scare," you whispered. "If that door can even be locked..."

You sat in silence, a sense of dread washing over you as you took in the bleak surroundings of the shower room. "Fuck, I hate this," you muttered, nervously shifting in your seat.

"Same," Corbin replied, his voice heavy with unease.

As you stood up to investigate, you discovered that the rest of the group had left you and Corbin alone in the room. "Damn you, Elton!" you exclaimed, frustration growing in your chest.

Corbin chuckled, "It's Elton, what did you expect?"

"This really isn't cool, man," you said, exasperated.

Then, Corbin proposed something unexpected. "What if we actually try to see if something happens? Just sit in silence for a minute, you know?"

You glanced at him, surprised by his suggestion. This was unlike Corbin, who usually preferred to be on the cautious side. "Are you serious? Have you lost your mind?"

He simply gave you a determined look, indicating that he meant what he said.

You let out a long, exasperated sigh and took your seat again, giving in to Corbin's suggestion. "Fine. But if we get murdered, it's your fault," you joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Corbin chuckled, "Don't worry, I think we'll be safe."

As the minutes ticked by, the silence in the room grew heavy, and you found yourself struggling to keep your eyes open. Without realizing it, your head fell onto Corbin's shoulder, seeking comfort in the proximity of another living being in this creepy place.

Corbin glanced down at you with a gentle smile. "Tired?" he asked softly.

You nodded, too sleepy to form a coherent response.

"If the guys walk in here and see us like this, they're going to lose their minds," he whispered, amusement coloring his voice.

Despite the situation, you couldn't help but smile at the thought. Even if the group would tease you relentlessly for the intimate moment, there was a sense of security in knowing that Corbin was by your side.

"So what if they tease us? It doesn't matter," you said, dismissing the potential reaction of the group.

"I just didn't know if you were comfortable with that," Corbin replied, referring to your heads being so close together.

You waved off his concern. "It's whatever. It's just us here."

With that, Corbin wrapped his arm around your shoulders and began to rub your back in a soothing motion. For a moment, it felt like you two were the only people in the world.

Then, a loud knock echoed through the room, startling you both.

"What the hell was that?" you exclaimed, jumping in surprise.

Corbin searched the room for the source of the sound, but nothing seemed out of place. "I don't know," he said, "but I think we've been here for five minutes already."

"I don't really want to go back out there yet," you said. "We should just stay here for a little longer."

Corbin nodded in agreement, his arms still protectively wrapped around you.

You leaned your head back onto Corbin's shoulder, feeling comforted by his closeness. As the minutes ticked by, your eyes grew heavy, and before you knew it, you were fast asleep, lulled by the quiet stillness of the room.

Some time later, the boys returned to the shower room, giggling and talking amongst themselves. However, when they spotted you asleep, their voices dropped to hushed whispers.

"Shh, she's sleeping," Corbin warned, glancing down at you with a soft smile.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Elton whispered, his smile wide.

Corey nodded in agreement, "Yeah, they look adorable like that."

The group observed the intimate scene for a moment before Corbin gently shook you awake, letting you know that it was time to head back to the main group. As you rubbed your eyes, still drowsy from your impromptu nap, you couldn't help but smile at the sweet, protective way Corbin looked at you.

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now