Is that a....bird

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👾 Hayden 👾

"Come on, come on. Don't crash on me like the Titanic."

My fingers flew over the keyboard but came to a stop when an 'ERROR' flashed on my computer monitor.

"DAMNIT! YOU PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY SHIT!" I yelled as I slammed my hand against the table two times and a third time for good measure.

(Me when the wifi don't work😐)

I was about to grab my keyboard and yeet it against the wall but a hand stopped me by gripping my shoulder.

"That's enough Hayden. You tried and that's what counts." Killian softly said and patted my shoulder.

I roughly rubbed my eyes in hopes that I could wake up from this horrible nightmare.

"It's hard Kill, Flynn is trying to keep Blake from going on a killing spree and I don't know where the fuck Dominic is. I just- we don't have anything to work with and it's stressing me the fuck out because she could be anywhere on this dumbass planet, not knowing where she is and is probably scared out of her mind. What if we don't find her? What if we lose her like we did 12 years ago?" I ranted before a cold voice spoke.

"We won't."

We both turned to look at Dominic standing in the doorway. His hands were in his pockets and his face was void of any emotion.

"We aren't the same as we were 12 years ago Hayden. We have more recources and allies than we did before and we will make use of them. Axel is already having a search party going through Mexico and the lower parts of the United States. Our close friends from the Canadian Mafia is also doing their best to help find Leonessa." He informed us and I could feel a slight pressure remove from my shoulders, knowing that we had help.

"You two should go to sleep, it's already 3AM." He commanded as he fixed his cuff and turned around.

"What about you Dominic? You should get some rest as well." Killian stated. Dominic stopped and slighty turned his head to the side.

"I have to go see if there's something more I can do to help with the search, then I'll go to bed." He said.

But I didn't exactly believe the last part.


Do you ever wake a minute before your alarm rings?

Well that's what's happening right now but instead of it being an alarm, it was like a feeling.

I had a feeling that something was about to happen.

I ran my fingers through my hair before getting my glasses from my nightstand.

I put them on, got out of bed and stretched. I almost forgot about what had happened but the dread from reality soon set in, making a knot form in my stomach.

I looked towards my clock to see that it's already 8 in the morning.

I made my way to the kitchen and saw that everyone was already awake.

Flynn was playing with his pancakes which were bare of any whipped cream and chocolate sauce, that says something.

Blake was resting his chin on his knuckles which were rapped. A little bit of red peeked through the bandages.

Guess we'll have to re-do his wall. Again.

He had a deep frown between his eyes as he looked out the kitchen window.

I noticed his thumb gently rubbing the side of his lower arm, where he got his first tattoo.

The one he got for Leonessa.

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