Submitted by @EclorasMagnum

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Downloading Wattpad was a break-through, I was given insight of some of the best stories I have ever read and opened my eyes to how wonderful things can be.
But The UnSlut Project has made me inspired to speak up.
My story is not drastic as most of these stories, but my story is a story by an individual and what's a better way to bond than to trade my experience?
My story starts with my broken heart morphing into my vagina basically. I was never a confident person in the real world. I found my comfort on the internet, behind a screen. This is a reason why I hated the fact that I grew up in the digital age. But this is where I unfortunately met my first love.
It was a long-distance relationship and we were never good from the start. I was used to give him his confidence, his strength and unfortunately, the cards weren't being played fair. Instead of receiving confidence, I got my heart broken. Three times to be exact.
He cheated on me multiple times with his best friend. His best friend caught my eye since the first time I met her. Personally, I don't think she is a slut, but without her or my ex, I wouldn't be the person I was today. She already had a boyfriend and basically slept with mine out of boredom, but I'd rather do something more hurtful than throw a bunch of insults at the lady. Now don't think I hate just her, I hate my ex equally, too. Couldn't keep his dick in his pants. 
Now since this happened when I was thirteen and this was my first love, I was love sick and thought this would last forever. I even got suicidal at that point and started cutting to replace the mental pain with physical pain. Because I was cheated on so many times, I blame myself and the people involved.

A friend of mine, "Alyssa," went and "had a go" at this particular ex. She even went to say that I was considering suicide. His response was not worried nor concerned. It was apparently disregard, according to Alyssa. But he had to kick it up a notch and say, "Good, that bitch is not worth it." Not exact wording but somewhere along the lines of that.

When I confronted him, he claimed he never said that, but who can you trust not to tell you shit these days.

Now, I know what he said wasn't meant to label me as a slut, whore etc. But the word bitch is what people are called these days if they are "loose" or have a extremely high sex drive. The way he meant it was in a way you'd use in frustration, finally being lifted off his shoulders. As if he wanted me to die or something. 

Now that I was single and sad, I turned to something that could feel. When I sexted randoms, I felt aroused. I was never completely repaired. I just wanted to feel something and I didn't care, as long as it wasn't pain.

Around the late nights of sexting (thankfully, I never got caught), I met a guy called "Fred" who was nice at first but turned sour. Because I rejected him, he went to call me such insults as "fat," "dumb," "emo bitch," ("emo in the way he used it was meant to be an insult) and would pass it off as a joke.

If that was the way to pass off a "joke," then his "really funny" jokes would piss you off. Over kik (the app we used to socialize), he played a prank on me saying he was some random called "Gale." I was suspicious when "Gale" said, "We should get together to make Fred kill himself." This is weird I know, but when I said no, he turned on me, saying I'm a lesbian emo bitch, I should kill myself and that a rumor will start up about me at school. "Joke" my ass.

I've had people tell me to cut myself, kill myself and terrible stuff like that. But that's why I wrote this entry.

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