Submitted by @_foodislyfe_

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So when I was 10, in grade 4 at the time, I was getting bullied by this boy. He would call me all these awful names (fat, ugly, stupid, etc.) and I lost all self confidence. I hated myself and I got really depressed.

Then when grade 5 came, the boy stopped calling me names. But there was this one girl who would always start fights with me and pretend to be my friend.

I then started liking this boy and he liked me back. I was so happy, but we were always on and off because I would hear he cheated on me, I would confront him about it, and he would say he didn't. Then near the end of the year, about 3 days left of school, I found out he cheated on me again and the girl herself said he was cheating this whole year, so I broke up with him for good.

Then he started calling me names and my so called "friends" did, too. They called me a slut, a lesbian, fat, etc.

Then came year 6. I was always bitched about behind my back and even to my face, and it was always the same words...slut...fat...dumb blonde....stupid.

I'm in year 7 now. I still get bullied to this very day. First it was from this boy in my class, but he finally stopped because one day I walked out of class crying because of it.

Just recently I tried overdosing and it nearly worked. My friend found out because I had a secret depression account on Instagram, and she found it because she knew I cut, and one of the photos was my cuts. She told someone I don't like but who she's friends with. I got so angry and yelled at her and she was like, "Well sorry for caring!"

Anyway two days later I apologised to her and we became friends again, but her friends (my old friend group I was hanging out with before this happened) said she shouldn't be friends with me anymore. But she ignored them and stayed friends with me.

This was about 5 weeks ago now, and whenever my friend goes back to her friend group after talking to me, they say, "OMG look who she was talking to," or "Why are you friends with her, she's such a slut!"

I know this isn't as bad as what other people go though, but if you are judging someone when you don't even know what's going on, stop! It affects people. You might not see that, because they're probably awake at 3:00am crying because they hate themselves, and they could at this very moment be trying to kill themselves.

Even if you're only joking, it still hurts. No one should have to go though any of this because it's terrible. If anyone needs anyone to talk to, please message me because you're not alone. I'm still depressed but I'm fighting, and I know you can get through anything you are going through.

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