Submitted by @Emilymagcon_1D

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I was labeled "a slut" at school. A friend of mine told everyone that we had sex and he got me pregnant. I had gained a little weight, so when I came to school everyone started putting condoms in my locker and saying I had AIDS.

What people didn't know was that I had been beaten by my ex boyfriend. If I didn't have sex with him, he would lock me in the closet, beat me till I was bleeding, then rape me. I had also been molested by my father twice.

A few weeks went by and one day, I was the only girl left that hadn't been picked up from volleyball practice. I was the captain so I had to stay longer. My coach pulled me into the restroom and raped me. It happened again the next day.

People at school found out, and that's when they started to kick my stomach to kill the "baby." They made up rumors, such as I slept with my teachers and my friends that were guys. People put nasty notes in my locker saying, "Kill yourself, faggot," and "Drink bleach."

I still hadn't told my parents anything because I do not trust them since they also abuse me. I started to self harm and at school people started calling me Bleachy Emily and Emiwhore. That's when I couldn't take it. I drank pills. That didn't kill me, so I hung myself. My sister came and got me down. The third time I tried to drown myself, but a trigger set in my mind that I needed to come above the surface.

I decided that it was best to tell my principal, since I love her like family. That was when I got help. I am now seven months clean from self harm and it has been four months since I was suicidal. To be honest, yes, I am still depressed. But bands like One Direction and 5 Sauce have helped. I also watch Nash Grier, who gives me hope and make me feel wanted.

My father and coach are now in prison and my ex boyfriend is in juvy. Thank you for reading my story. If you want help I could also help you just DM me :)

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