Submitted by @Just_Kira

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Soccer season just ended, and my sister and I were the only girls on the team, which at first was very cool. But after a while, we started to hate it. Yeah, some of the boys were really nice, but they were all sexist. The captains of the team would be the ones who hogged the ball the whole time and would never pass to me, even after the coach told them multiple times that they needed to pass more often to me. I was always wide open. After a while, the coach just stopped and started supporting them to just pass to each other.

At one point, the coach used the word "girly" to describe the kicks that the defense were making, and I just thought, so you're going to use girly as a word to describe how bad their kicks are?! So just because the word girly is stereotyped as wimpy or weak doesn't mean that that's what the word actually means.

On the field, there is a rule that there has to be at least three girls on the field, but that didn't work out. So we had to go to all of the games just so our team could play, even though I had other sports events. My sister would be benched the whole game, and we were only used so that the team could play. I wanted so badly to stay home, just to screw them over, but I didn't, and just came to be a good sport. And looking back on it I wish I did, just to show them that just because we're girls, that doesn't mean we suck.

People still treat women and girls unfairly these days, and it's frustrating. I want to be an athlete when I grow up, but look at the sports industry today: Who plays football? Men. Who plays hockey? Men. Who plays basketball? Men. All sports are dominated by men, which isn't fair. Projects like The UnSlut Project bring awareness to the way women are still discriminated against, even today.

I realize now that I was discriminated against before, not just in sports, and I want that to end. The UnSlut Project is making a difference, and I'm glad to say that by reading this and sharing my story, that I made a small difference in making our world a better place for everyone to be equal.

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