Submitted by @chloeo920

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I have a bullying story. I went to go visit my dad in Pennsylvania with my step family. Me and my step sister, who's a year older than me, went to her school's football game.

Well, I just was in the back of the crowd with her friend Rybecca. Me and Rybecca stayed close and tried to avoid everyone, because they're the rumor spreading group. Then these kid Nazi and Jared came up.

Jared said that my eyes were too far apart and called me Dory. Nazi said my eyebrows needed to get done. Jared grabbed my butt and tried to touch my boob. Nazi yanked at my hair and tried to push me down. After that I just screamed and ran. My sister just stood there and watched.

Rybecca came over and made sure they never hurt me again, but my sister just basically ignored me but all of her girlfriends were supportive. She just ignored me other than to say, "They're assholes, ignore them. "

Then when I came home I told the girl who I thought was my best friend, and she told everyone. Everyone. But she changed the story. She told people I ASKED them to touch my boob and butt and that Jared was messing with my hair - not yanking.

That was fifth grade for me. Being the slut, bitch, safety patrol princess. Now I am in 6th grade and in a new school where bullying is not a problem. Now life is sorta good. Also, my story is to prevent others from self harming as I did. Not anymore though, I have stopped.

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