Submitted by @mcr-killjoy101

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This is a slut shaming story of my friend. She is called Jody.

Jody and I had always been close. I even had the hots for her in year 5. Last year (year 9) on the very last day of school I heard something that hurt me. Jody had given her best friend's boyfriend 3 blow jobs.

Later that day everything was forced out and the girl, Tilly, was told. She and the boy cried, had a massive argument and he begged her to take him back. Everyone became involved.

Jody was hated.

I found out that my other friend had known. I felt sick.

What happened to sisters before misters?

Then I realized something. Jody wasn't the only one to blame.

Josh was the one who cheated, not Jody.

Yet everyone still loved him, he is even the class's golden boy now because of this. He has a new girlfriend and is even more popular then before.

Jody is hated and bitched about all the time. I even had to pretend to not like her because someone said they would punch anyone who liked her.

I sit with her at lunch and watch people stare at her like she is dog poo.

Jody self harms and pulled out of things she enjoyed in school like rugby, choir, and hanging around with boys, who would be pulled into a web of lies if seen with her.

I watched my best friend fade and I wish with all my heart I could go back, stop her and save her from so much pain.

What some people forget is men can also be at fault.

Slut shaming is not cool, not funny and hurts. It affects everyone close to the "slut" as well.

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