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Still a little dark, Daun is sitting on the dewy grassy ground humming a song. Her feet bare, silky clothes waving softly. Inhaling the coldness of the air, she marvels on the tiny droplets of morning dew as they drop on the ground one by one, making the ground moist. The scent of flowers looms in the air as variety of potted flora are arranged accordingly around the trees. Each one so colorful as they fully bloom. The trees shedding their leaves as if preparing for the incoming winter. As the leaves fall, she can hear the wind chiming in each graceful descend.

Though it's cold, she feels warm and content. She happily looks up and sees the dark sky swirls into hues of purple to oranges and reds as the sun upon her begins to rise.

Daun breathes again, filling her lungs with the glory of the early morning, feeling so refreshed.

Someone obstructs her view and squats in front of her, barring the rays of the happy sun as it ascends, creating a halo on his head.

A baritone chuckles and greets her a wonderful morning. She smiles sweetly and reaches out to hold his veiny hands, so manly, yet so soft and full of warmth. Her heart jumps with joy as their hands touch. He firmly squeezes her hands, so tiny in comparison to his. He then lovingly holds it on his check. She watches his gestures when she notices his mouth opens as he talks. Her brows furrow, not understanding the words that comes with it. She can not make out what he is saying. She is too distracted on his adorable boxy smile as he speaks.

"Love... Daun?" She hears him chuckles, trying to get her attention. His head tilts to his left.

She hums a soft "hmn?" then softly giggles.

"Let us find you...." Brows furrow in confusion, she whispers. "But I am here?"

Six shadows then surround her, shrouding her from the morning light. But instead of being afraid, she feels safe. All the silhouettes are strangers to her yet seems so familiar. She closes her eyes as she basks on their energy. She feels more relaxed and happier. Her smile brighter than the sun, body vibrating and purring with so much happiness.

The chimes intensify.

A caress on her cheek and a loving whisper echoes on her consciousness.

"Let us find you..."

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