Setsuna's Memories

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I was sitting on Inuyasha and Kagome's front porch looking at the clouds. I've been staying with Inuyasha and Kagome for the last few days because I can't stand seeing setsuna's lifeless body. Sesshomaru went to find totosai to figure out this holy sword that he could recreate. Towa is training with the Tenseiga to try to bring power back to it to bring setsuna back to life and Moroha was well she did me a favor and cleaned setsuna of her bloody clothing and put her in a nice white kimono kinda like the one from my dream that day.

"How long are you gonna sit here" a voice asked. I turned around and saw Kagome holding a bunch of plants. I turned back to my original position and continued counting the clouds. She sighed and sat down next to me.

"Look maybe instead of sitting here and wasting your time and energy looking at the clouds you should take a look at this book I found about past readers" she said pulling out a old book that looked like it was gonna fall apart any second.

"Inuyasha's mother left this book along with other stuff. Apparently Inuyasha loved to read when he was younger." She said placing the book on my lap.

"Also there is some information about the dream butterfly and how past readers and the butterfly connect" she said giving me a tight side hug and a kiss on the cheek before she went inside probably to prepare dinner. I looked at the book and stood up taking the falling apart book with me. I ended up at a small river where the was soft grass and great smelling flowers. I sat down next to the river and placed my feet in the water. I opened the book and began to read the origin of the past readers. Apparently they began appearing in the Eastern land and started to build a life there. Before long demons started to appear and from that Kirinamaru came and ruled that part of the land which forced the past readers to fall under his command. But some past readers decided to go and leave the eastern lands to find a new home. Kirinamaru used the past readers powers to see the past and to figure out the course of the future which angered most of them because Zero was the one who was draining there powers. Soon enough zero had taken so much of there powers that she started to see more then just the past. She had gotten the ability to see into people dreams and that was going beyond any past readers limit.

But it wasn't all happy endings. Zero realized that she couldn't have all that power because that would put her brain into overdrive so thus the dream butterfly was created. It was for zero to see into peoples dreams without physically having to use her powers. The dream butterfly snatches the dream and brings the dreams back to zero. What she didn't know was the she was taking more then just the dreams she was taking about the memories which pushed the past readers almost to extinction. Kirinamaru then captured the dream butterfly and uses it as his own which he used on me. I turned the the page to find little information about the dream butterfly but one thing did stick out to me. Apparently anyone who's dreams were taken by the dream butterfly could get there memories back but the person who received the dreams must be a past reader.

"Maybe if I gave setsuna back her memories it could keep her brain alive long enough for towa to fix the tensigia" I said to myself pulling my feet from the water and standing. I ran as fast as I could back to the village to tell Kagome what I found out. When I got back to the village I saw towa talking to Inuyasha about the sword. I ran past them ignoring the calls of Inuyasha and went straight to Kagome hut where I almost ran into moroha. I caught her arms to insure she wouldn't fall but I dropped  the book.

"Sorry about that" I said dusting her off. She picked up my book for me and handing it to me. I walked into hut and heard Kagome in the kitchen making stew.

"Kagome I need you to stop everything and come with me" I said dragging her from the pot and pulling her outside. I lead her towards the stream I was sitting at and sat her down in the flowers.

"Okay well what's so important" she asked sitting on her knees. I showed her the page of the dream butterfly and her face went from confused to shock.

"Since we don't know how long setsuna can go without the Tensiga being used on her this might give her spirit something to focus on and not drift into the after life for good" I said. Kagome smiled at me and nodded agreeing to my plan. We both went back to the village and headed towards my hut. Before we went in I felt sesshomaru presence behind me and I didn't turn around when he landed.

"What is going on Kagome" he asked. She just pointed at me and walked away towards her hut.

"Rin what are you doing" he asked placing his hands on my shoulders. I turned towards him and handed him the book. He took it and read the page and when he was done his face was emotionless but his eyes shone with fear and I know he didn't want me to do it.

"I already know what your gonna say but we need to give towa time to train with the tensiga" I said placing my hand on his cheek.

"I just got you back rin" he said kissing my hand his his cheek and gripped it.

"It won't kill me I promise. It's just a process. I'll be okay" I said kissing his lips.

"I'm going to sit with you" he said taking my hand and leading me inside. When I saw setsuna my heart began to break again but I pushed it down and walked over to her head and sat down on my knees. Sesshomaru sat next to me and watched me closely. I placed both my hands on either side of her head and closed my eyes playing setsuna memories over in my head and then began transferring them to her.

Sesshomaru POV
I watched as Rin's eyes began to glow white when she opened them. Eventually Setsuna head began to glow white as well as Rin's  but as Setsuna's grew brighter Rin's grew dimmer. Setsuna skin color went back to its normal color and the smell of death began to leave her body but still lingered. Rin's eyes ceased to glow white and she collapsed into my arms. As I placed her next to setsuna towa ran into the hut with Moroha and Inuyasha. I stood from the floor and looked at my oldest daughter with Hope in my eyes. Inuyasha nodded his head indicating that towa has figured out the tensiga and its ready to revive setsuna.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora