-Love me back by yyyuehyyyie [Rev. Azaad]

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Book name: Love Me Back

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Book name: Love Me Back

Author: yyyuehyyyie

Reader interaction: 5/5 (cause i saw no negative comments about the story)

Book cover: 2/5

Written description : 4/5

Book title : 3/5

plot: 8/10

grammarian: 12/20

the plot twist: 7/10

character development : 7/10

creative way in writing : 7/10

opinion rate for the book: 8/10

Cover: I personally liked your story but sorry to say the cover didn’t match with the plot nor it was eye catching. It doesn’t attract readers so i highly suggest you to change the cover.

Description : Your description didn’t gave away too much of the story and just gave a hint about it. It's good but can be better.

Title : Your title is good and does go with the plot but it was not something new and not that attracting.

Plot: Here comes the plot. Well, about that i've read so many books like this where the playboy makes a bet and falls in love with the nerd and these types of story but... still, somehow your story kept me hooked to read more. Like, it's not something that i'm reading for the first time but still I'm enjoying. :)

grammarian : This needs major work. I've seen many grammatical mistakes in the sentences while reading. You used past tense while speaking in present tense. Reread the chapters you wrote, you'll find out yourself.

Plot twist : I'm halfway reading so I can't say much about it but I can foresee a big plot twist (yeah from your description and a hint from the a chapter) so I guess it'll be awesome !

character development: I could see you tried your best to describe the characters as much as possible. But still, at some points I felt like you rushed the characters. Take it a little slow. Describe them a little more. Exactly how did they feel, how was the aura around them. Describe these little thing a bit more and then it'll be fine.

Creative way in writing : Like i said before just describe everything a bit more and don't rush the characters. Take everything little slowly and avoid skipping huge times in the story. Make the readers feel the characters through your words. Your writing is good, but just remember the points i said, and you’ll be fine :) opinion rate for the book: Honestly, I don't actually read these types of books but I'm really enjoying your story. Amd that's a good thing. I'm still improving myself, so please don't get hurt by anything i said earlier. Just remember the things i mentioned above while writing. Looking forward to read more, best of luck!

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