The History of the Past Readers

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Sesshomaru POV
We got back to the village and as expected setsuna didn't want to leave Rin's side but the demon slayers needed their help and besides I needed to discuss somethings with what Kirinamaru wanted with her.

"Go Setsuna I can take care of Rin she's not going anywhere" I said walking her to the exit.

"You promise" she asked looking back at Rin's sleeping form. I nodded and she sighed and gave me a slight hug which I returned kissing her forehead. Before they left Towa of course also wanted a hug and kiss which I gladly gave to her. A few minutes after the left Inuyasha and Kagome entered our hut as Rin awoke from her slumber.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" Rin said slowly sitting up. I was immediately by her side helping her sit up. Kagome brought over food for Rin to eat but she didn't really eat much which is what really concerned me.

"What did Kirinamaru want from you" inuyasha asked taking the still full bowl of what looked like soup from Rin hands.

"He said he wanted to see if something about me was true. He called me a Past Reader but I have no idea what that is" She said leaning against my fur.

"What the hell is a Past Reader" Inuyasha asked confused. I have to admit even I was a bit confused but I didn't show it.

"Ohh I read about those.... Long ago there were these tribe people who could see the past of anything or anyone that had magic power in it" she explained.

"But did they have magic within themselves" I asked. But she shook her head no.

"They had no magic power themselves but the thing is they can only see the past of things that has magic. So like demons, half demons etc" she said. I looked at Rin as she was shocked at what she was hearing.

"So they were just regular people" Inuyasha asked. Kagome nodded her head and stood to her feet.

"Let's test it out.... I mean on one of you two since you both have demon power in you"she said a little too excited for my liking. Rin shrugged her shoulders and eventually nodded her head. Kagome pushed inuyasha forward and he groaned. His past was not really something he liked sharing I gathered. He held out his hand and the second Rin made contact with him her eyes glowed white.

Inuyasha past was very sad. He was bullied and beaten by the people in his village then lived alone after his mom had passed. I released his arm and the vision vanished.

"You have your mothers face" I said to him and his eyes widen. I figured that's not the first person who said that to him. He sat back down next to Kagome. Lord Sesshomaru held out his hand for me to take and I gladly took it since I was very interested in his past. But when I made contact with him nothing happens. I looked at Kagome confused.

"I guess there is a limited to how many times you can use it" she said. Later that night I was tossing and turning from a bad dream but it didn't feel like my dream it felt like..... someone 's past but who's?

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