iMust have locker 239

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Olivia's POV 

Tonight on iCarly, Sam and Carly clipped Gibby's toenails, which was a terrible decision on Gibby's part. 

Then some fan that kept sending Carly and Sam messages asked if Carly, Sam and Freddie could each draw a bunny. Freddie's looked good, Sam's looked awesome, it was a bunny that got in jail because he robbed a gas station. And Carly's was really bad I fell off of my chair laughing at it. 

The next day when  Carly picked me up from school she kept talking about a locker 239. Apparently when people were building the school they made a locker that was 4 times bigger than a regular locker and if the lockers at my school are the same size than that locker must be huge. 

So Carly and I were at home, Carly was doing a writing for school and I was watching TV. My dad walked through the door and Carly asked if he fixed the printer. 

"Yeah and you can print wirelessly". Dad told her. When Carly printed the printer caught fire, not surprised.  So dad grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out. 

Then Carly said that she wanted to ask my dad something. I covered my ears and went out the room just in case it was something I did not want to hear. 

A day later Carly and I fell asleep on the couch when I heard dad yelling and woke up. 

Dad was standing there with gross green stuff on his foot. 

"What are you doing"? Carly asked. "And what is on your foot"? I asked. 

"Well I was in my room when I realized I left my keys in my motorcycle, so I went downstairs to get them and when I was half way through the parking lot I stepped in something gooey and green, look how it reflects the light". Dad said holding a flashlight up to his foot stain. 

I let out a huge groan and went upstairs to bed. 

The next night I found out that both Freddie and Sam won locker 239, poor Freddie. 

I walked downstairs and saw Dad and Carly and a spatula man. But then spatula man cllapsed. "I told you to tighten the ballpein bracket". Dad told Carly, who went over and knocked over the standing leg of spatula man then stomped past me up the stairs. "Pein"! Dad yelled behind her. 

"What did I miss"? I asked. "Well"- Dad started but I quickly interrupted him. "It was rhetorical". I told him and went up to Amya's apartment. 

The night after that I was in the apartment with dad and he was sculpting something weird and when I asked him what it was he said, "my feelings". 

I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came back I saw Carly standing there and dad holding a drawing of a bunny, Carly went upstairs. 

"Nice bunny". I told my dad sitting on the couch. "Thanks". Dad said and continued sculpting his feelings. 

The night after that I was sitting alone in the apartment because dad went to observe the art class Carly was going to. 

Then Carly opened the door and dad walked in behind her, covered in paint. 

"I don't want to know". I said and went past them and over to the elevator. I saw a lady there that had paint all over her just like my dad. 

So I went up to Amya's apartment. "Weird stuff can happen in a week". I told her. 


Okay I case you didn't know I write short versions of episodes. 

see ya 

Cali 🎆

Olivia Shayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن