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Another week goes by, and there's only a few more days until the wedding. The group had eased into a normal routine for the past weeks. They'd eat and enjoy eachothers company until it was time to sleep.

Cami and Klaus had their conversations in front of everyone, keeping up with the facade more since the wedding was so close. They also had their moments alone where they enjoyed a conversation with just them two, but both of them couldn't decide what was real or fake.

It was quite late when Cami had woken up. The whole house was awake, and everyone had broken off into their little groups in the house, talking amongst themselves. Lilly and Lexi had gone to the hotel together because Derec had decided it'd be nice if they went on a day by themselves, but Cami denied the offer saying that she didn't want to miss out on the little time she had left with everyone. Once she went back to Florida, she'd see Derec and the rest of the group every day but she wouldn't see or probably talk to the people in New Orleans for months until another big thing brings her back.

Cami was lost in thought as she walked. It was a shame that it was something as big as a wedding that brought everyone back together, but she was glad that it did. She missed them more than she'd like to admit and secretly wished the days would pass by slower.

Cami wandered through the quiet house, her footsteps echoing softly against the floorboards as she made her way towards the kitchen. She could hear the faint murmur of voices drifting through the air, the sound of laughter and conversation mingling together in the dimly lit room.

As she entered the kitchen, she found Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, Davina, and Klaus in the kitchen talking and laughing about something. Elijah, Hayley, Marcel, and Kol were sitting on the dining table while Klaus was leaning against a countertop. Rebekah and Davina fixed up a fruit bowl that they then placed on the table.

As Cami walked in, all eyes turned to her. They all exchanged a quick good morning before Cami headed over to the cupboard to grab herself a mug for coffee. She may be a vampire who doesn't need the coffee as much anymore, but she still enjoyed it.

As Cami reached for a mug on the top shelf, she realized it was just out of her reach. Frowning in frustration, she stretched as far as she could, her fingertips barely grazing the edge of the mug.

"Need a hand?"-K
Klaus's voice cut through the noise of the kitchen as he laughed slightly, and Cami turned to see him standing beside her, his gaze fixed on the mug.

Before she could respond, Klaus leaned in slightly, his tall frame towering over her as he effortlessly reached for the mug. Cami couldn't help but notice the proximity between them, the heat of his body radiating against her skin as his hand brushed against hers.

Their eyes met in a fleeting moment of shared understanding, a silent exchange passing between them before Klaus handed her the mug with a small smile. For a brief moment, their hands lingered, the touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through Cami's veins.

She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she took the jar from him.

Klaus nodded, his gaze never leaving hers as he replied.

They both exchanged a long look until Cami looked away, realising their company. She moved to the coffee machine and began making her coffee before taking a seat beside Rebekah at the table.

"Cami, hey. Do you have any plans for today?"-DC
"Not really. Why?"-C

"All of us thought it'd be a great idea if we went out. It'd be great if you came too."-DC
"That sounds great. Sure, I'm in."-C

The group continued eating together until they all went off separately to get ready, only to meet up ten minutes later by the door. They then headed out from there and began walking down the streets of New Orleans.

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