Quality time

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Cami went for a walk, trying to clear her head, which clearly didn't work, seeing as she couldn't stop thinking about what she had just found out. She then had an idea to ask Davina for help. After all, Will had said magic could bring the memories back. Instead of going back to her house, she went back to the compound and went inside the kitchen, seeing mostly everyone gathered around.

She looked at them curiously.
"What's going on?"-C
"Hello love, how are you?"-K
"You saw her 2 hours ago, Nik. I'm sure she's feeling the exact same."-R
"Rebekah, are you really this oblivious? She's clearly upset."-K
Klaus turned his attention back to Cami.
"Is everything okay?"-K
"Everything's fine. Well, it will be after I talk to Davina about something."-C
She looked back at the whole group.
"Are you planning something?"-C

Elijah looked to Klaus briefly before answering Cami's question.
"Freya has found a werewolf from the other side that can give us information on how to kill the Dereas witches."-EM
"Oh my god, that's amazing, but how do you know this werewolf can be trusted?"-C
Rebekah mumbled under her breath, although she knew that everyone could hear her.
"Looks like Cami has inherited our brother's paranoia."-R

Cami looked at Rebelah, still pissed off about the argument they had this morning. This anger was new, and she couldn't understand why she couldn't just let go of the petty disagreement.
"Oh, I'm sorry, people wanting to help the Mikaelsons doesn't seem suspicious to you?"-C
"Well, Cami, we were actually nice to some people in our lives. Not all of us are heartless bafoons."-R
"You're right. If you want, I could name the ones who are heartless bafoons. I'm pretty sure you know who's at the top of my list."-C
Rebekah scoffed and took a step closer to Cami, making Klaus take a protective step in front of Cami to create some distance between the two blonde vampires.

Cami smiled as she saw Klaus protecting her.
"Really, Nik, you're siding with your little girlfriend?"-R
"Rebekah, leave us."-EM
"You too, Elijah?"-R
"Just go, sister. We'll catch you up later."-F
Rebekah turned to leave with an annoyed scowl on her face.

Cami smiled at Klaus.
"Thank you."-C
"No worries, sweetheart. I don't know what's gotten into my sister."-K
"I do, she's a hypocritical bitch."-CF
"Gonna have to side with Blondie on the one. Your sister's a psychopath in heels."-D
"Disrespect Rebekah once more, and there'll be a heel stuck in your throat."-HM
"Oh really, I thought getting Klaus to do your dirty work was more your type of things. I mean, we have 12 dead hybrid bodies as proof."-D

"Grow up, Damon, people change."-CF
"Are you just saying that because you killed 12 witches just to save our little Bon Bon here?"-D
Cami had been told by Caroline just how traumatic that experience was and how Caroline still felt incredibly guilty about what had happened that night. Being a therapist, Cami had tried to help Caroline through the tough time, but no matter how much help Caroline had received, it was almost impossible for her not to feel some guilt about that moment.

"Damon! Shut up or leave!"-C
"What will you do about it, Klaus' little vampire slut?"-D
Klaus clenched his teeth, prepared to start a fight with the 2 century old vampire infront of him but before he could, Cami slapped Damon across the face, leaving a red mark and a smirking Klaus.
"Don't you dare call me a slut. I know you're going through something with Elena, but it does not give you the right to speak to me that way."-C

Damon was about to speak, but a small voice came from the kitchen door.
"Cami? I thought I heard you down here."-L
"Hi Lil."-C
Cami gave Lilly a tight squeeze but didn't feel anything back. Cami took a step back and looked at her daughter.
"Is everything okay?"-C
"Can we talk?"-L
"Yeah, sure."-C
Cami turned to Klaus and gave him a faint smile. He nodded at her before sending both her and Lilly a smile.

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