The Ball Party

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Klaus looked through the closest valleys but when he couldn't find him he returned to the Compound. He stormed in.
"He's gone."-K
"Hayley, where does Ambrose live?"-K
"At the Academy."-HM
Hayley looked at him confused but concerned at the same time.
"No, where has he been staying in New Orleans?"-K
"How am I supposed to know?"-HM
"Someone call Cami."-K
"Why not you?"-HM
"I'm going to try to catch his scent."-K
Klaus could smell him. It was only faint but as a hybrid, it would normally be easy. But this time, this time Klaus couldn't even sense if he had gone left or right. He eventually gave up and went back to Hayley.
"What did she say?"-K
Hayley ended the call and put the phone back in her pocket.
"He lives at a hotel. Just around the corner from the bar."-HM
"Did you tell her what happened?"-K
"Good I don't want her getting worried."-K

'The Coven House'

Cami walked into the kitchen to see Ria and some of her friends enjoying breakfast on the table while giggling and talking.
"Have you seen Lilly?"-C
"Yeah, she's outside in the garden with Aiden."-RL
Cami sighed in relief as she opened the sliding door that revealed a beautiful garden. It was almost like a field with bright, vibrant flowers and birds chirping on the fence. She walked for a while and looked around. There was a small fountain where Aiden and Lilly were sitting by. Lilly was laughing while Aiden made jokes. Cami smiled at the sight of the two of them getting along. She turned around, not wanting to interrupt them. It made her happy that Aiden had found a new friend, and that Lilly was experiencing somewhat of a normal childhood. She began walking away.
Cami turned around to see both of them facing her.
"Are we getting ready?"-L
Cami looked at her confused.
"For the funeral?"-L
"No, not for a few more hours."-C
Cami looked around to admire the beautiful surroundings and she looked back at the mat the two were sitting on.
"Would you like anything?"-C
"Can we have some fruit?"-AO
"Ooh, definetly grapes."-L
Cami smiled and went back inside to get the fruit. She walked back in to see some servants washing the dishes. The Coven House was where the young witches would come to hang out or play with other children. It was also were they would spend special days together. The house was a huge mansion with 3 sets of stairs and beautiful white floors and walls. In the rooms, there were children running around and for the toddlers, there was a room filled with toys and mini play sets. Cami got a white plate with pink flowers rimmed around it and placed some fruit on it before going back in the garden.
As she walked, she began thinking if the ball that she was expected to attend. She had to find out who it was but she also had to go to Cody's funeral.
"Cami's back."-L
Lilly looked past Aiden to see Cami standing with a plate of fruit.
"Those look delicious."-AO
Cami put the plate down and looked at Aiden. She thought about asking him what time the funeral was but she didn't want to ruin the great time he was having so she simply stood back up and smiled.
"I'll see you two soon."-C
Cami walked away and continued to think about the ball. She had always wanted to go to one but she didn't want to go, not without Klaus as her date. She thought it was stupid that she wanted to dress fancy and go to a ball with the Klaus Mikaelson as her date but the thought of them walking in together and dancing made the butterflies in her stomach churn.

She then flipped back to reality and realised that the reason she was going was to meet a strange man that she had probably never met. She then started to convince herself that going would be dangerous and she had no idea what she was about to get herself into but in the end she finally decided that she would go.
She entered the building and saw Ria picking up plates from the table.
"Ria, when is the funeral?"-C
Ria turned around and looked at Cami.
"It's today."-RL
Ria responded with attitude and clear annoyance in her voice. She rolled her eyes at her.
"Ria? Are you mad at me?"-C
"No I'm just always this bitchy to people I like."-RL
Ria crossed her arms.The sarcasm in her voice slightly annoyed Cami but she kept a straight face.
"And why are you mad?"-C
Ria sighed as she recalled the memories of last night.
"You ruined any chance I had with Aiden."-RL
"You came in when we were about to kiss!"-RL
"So you are more than friends?"-C
"Well not anymore! I came back in later and he said that it was weird and that we should stay friends."-RL
"Maybe it's for the best."-C
"Oh shut up Cami."-RL
Ria huffed as she put the plates in the sink for the servant to clean.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry."-C
Ria scoffed and went back to join her girl friends. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Cami went to answer it. It was a young lady with long, auburn hair who was holding a box with a note ontop. Cami looked at the girl who looked numb. Like someone who was in there own world. No sense of what was going on around them.
"Hi, who are you?"-C
Cami smiled, trying to be polite.
The girl just moved her hands forward and handed Cami the box. But it wasn't like she was compelled. It was like she was scared of Cami, too scared to even say a word. The girl then turned around and walked away.
Cami shouted behind her.
"Who is this from?"-C
The girl just walked away like she hadn't heard Cami say a word. Cami sighed and closed the door.
She looked at the note that had her full name written on. Cami quickly took the box up to Stacey's room and slowly unravelled the latex white ribbon. She opened the envelope and took out the paper before reading it out loud to herself.

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