Vampire 101

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Klaus thought he saw a small glimpse of sadness in Cami's eyes but he didn't want to hope for something that wasn't there.
"Not that I'm suggesting anything, but if you want me to turn it on, why not compel me?"-C
"Camille, I don't wish to force you into anything. I have to give you a reason to turn it on."-K
Cami sighed but Klaus couldn't tell if she was relieved or sad. Klaus' blue eyes were focused on Cami's and his hand was slowly moving up to hers. He wanted to hold her hand, he wanted what they had before she left to go to Florida. He found himself begging to go back to the way it was before Alexander and Edmund. All he wanted was to take Cami on that date he promised. He wanted to spend his life with her and now that she was a vampire, he could fulfill his desire.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Cami's cold voice that he found hard to recognise.
"If you're going to keep staring at me like that, I'm gonna need another drink."-C
Klaus smiled at her.
"I think you've had enough, love."-K
"Fine, I'll get some blood then."-C
Cami was about to get off the bed but Klaus stopped her.
"I'll get you a blood bag."-K
"A blood bag? No, I meant the fresh kind. I'm sure there's some blonde British guy I can take my anger out on since you're immortal."-C
Klaus ignored her comment.
"How about I teach you how to feed? You need the help, do you not?"-K
"I do and I said that I'll ask Elijah."-C
"My brother won't be home for a couple of hours. Besides, my brother is no fun."-K
"Fine but if you start talking about feelings and stuff, I'll shatter your arm into tiny microscopic pieces."-C
Cami kept a smile on her face while threatening the Original hybrid.
"Let's get going."-K

Klaus was about to give Cami his hand but instead he turned to the door to see Caroline watching them.
"Actually, how about I take her and you can see what the witches have found downstairs."-CF
Klaus and Cami both stared at her blankly until Elena walked into the room.
"Caroline? Aren't you meant to be.. you know helping Damon?"-E
"Change of plans actually. I'll tell you about it later."-CF
Elena was confused but decided to trust her friend. She left the room, leaving the love triangle that Caroline had somehow found herself in.
"Caroline, I'm not sure that's such a good idea."-K
"Just a wild guess here but I think it has something to do with the fact that I don't like you."-C
"That's exactly why I'm going to help you. You're my best friend and I want to get back in your good graces."-CF
"You know what? Sure, I've got some things to talk about with you anyway."-C
Klaus sent her a stern look of warning.
"What? Afraid that I'm going to hurt her feelings? Nice to know you care so much about sweet old carebear here."-C
"Old? Who are you calling old?"-CF
Caroline crossed her arms and waited for Cami to stand up. Suddenly, she felt a hand drag her to a corner.

Caroline had covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming. She looked up to see her friend.
"What the hell, Elena?"-CF
"Sorry but I need to know what happened to the plan."-E
"Fine, we bumped into Elijah, Rebekah and Kol on the way to that lead you told us about and I might have told them about Hayley."-CF
"What? Why?"-E
"I felt bad and.."-CF
"Well, it's no secret that I'm a bad liar. They read right through me so I told them about everything that happened and then of course Elijah got all angry. He told me to make sure Klaus doesn't find out."-CF
"A bad liar? Don't you do acting? And how does taking Cami to learn vampire 101 fit into the plan?"-E
"If Klaus took her then he'll find the blood outside and Klaus will probably make Cami kill someone while teaching her the ropes."-CF
"Okay so, Stefan and Damon are helping the others?"-E
"Yeah, and now Elijah is super mad and he'll probably try to kill Alexander the minute he sees him."-CF
"Not like Alex doesn't deserve it. Anyway, you should probably go back to Cami."-E
"You're right, I probably should and you should check on Bonnie."-CF
Elena nodded before watching her friend walk back into Klaus' room.

"Cami, we should get going."-CF
"Where did Klaus go?"-CF
Caroline looked around the room, expecting to see the Original hybrid watching his queen from afar.
"He went to check on Hope."-C
"And he left you alone?"-CF
"What does it look like?"-C
Cami got up from the bed and pushed past Caroline.
"Come on, I've got better things to be doing then hanging out with you."-C
"Like what?"-CF
"Too many to list. Now lets go."-C
The two blondes left the compound and Caroline took her to the opposite side from where the blood was.
"I know that I just turned but I can smell that blood and I can hear your heart racing so who's is it?"-C
"What do you mean?"-CF
"Who's blood is it? I'm not stupid Caroline."-C
"You really need to get the hang of this heightened senses thing. There is no blood."-CF

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