Knight In Shining Armour

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Lilly had gotten the message, and she immediately showed Aiden after responding, "Are you okay?" to her message. She hadn't gotten a response, which made her only panic more.

"She needs our help, Lilly. We know where she is. We should go."-AO
"Alone? We'll have no chance. I think we should ask Klaus."-L
"Cami will be mad."-AO
"Cami, better be goddamn grateful because we're helping her. If she wants to be mad, she can be mad, but I'm not going to let her suffer just because you weren't willing to ask her ex-boyfriend for help."-L
"Klaus, it is."-AO

Aiden and Lilly both left the room and ran towards Klaus' room, banging on the door. A growl came from the other end.
"Who is it?"-K
"It's Aiden and I. Klaus, we need your help."-L
The door immediately opened and Lilly saw Klaus standing in his sweats, probably ready to go to sleep but he also had speckles of paint on his face and shirt, hinting that he had been painting before getting ready for bed.
"What happened?"-K

"You know how we kinda left Cami?"-L
"Yes, has she returned?"-K
"Not quite."-L
"Lilly, love, get on with it. What do you need my help with?"-K
"She hasn't come back yet, and it's been hours."-L
"I'm sure she's just been delayed by traffic."-K
"That's what we thought, but then we got this."-L
Lilly showed Klaus her phone, the message from Cami, making Klaus' eyes widen.

"Where is she?"-K
"Erm, I don't know. Aiden, what was the address?"-L
Aiden took a piece of paper that he had written the address on earlier in case they ever needed it, out of his pocket, and handed it to Klaus.
"That's where the lady told us Lexi is."-AO
"I'll take this. now you two need to go get some sleep. I'll be back in a few hours."-K
Klaus picked up his phone from the table and slipped it into the pocket of his sweats, not bothering to change.

Lilly stopped him from walking out the door.
"We're going with you."-L
"You're not. It's too dangerous. And I won't entertain any arguments about it, so go back to bed. You don't have to sleep but you sure aren't going to be accompanying me."-K
Lilly and Aiden hesitantly agreed and watched as Klaus vamped downstairs and into his car, starting it up in record speed and then driving down the road like a mad man.

Aiden was about to close the door to Klaus' room, but Lilly stopped him.
"Don't you want to see what he was painting?"-L
"That'd be invading his privacy, Lilly."-AO
"It won't hurt anyone."-L
"Fine, but I bet you 10 pound that it's going to be a painting of Cami."-AO
"That's not fair! We both know that's a painting of Cami."-L
"Not my problem."-AO
With a sigh, Lilly walked into the room and looked at the canvas that was laid perfectly with paints and brushes laid on the table.

She looked up at the painting, her mouth immediately gaping wide.
"What is it?"-AO
"It's Cami. She looks gorgeous."-C
"Let's see."-AO
Aiden moved closer towards Lilly, looking at the painting.
"Holy shit, she looks amazing. Klaus really does love her."-AO
"Hold on, I'm taking a picture of this."-L
Lilly took out her phone and snapped a picture of the painting with a grin on her face that quickly went away after they heard the voice behind them.

"What are you guys doing in here?"-HM
Hayley walked in, looking at the two teenagers.
"Hayley, hi. We can explain."-L
"Go on, I'm all ears."-HM
Hayley crossed her arms and leaned on the door frame.
"We got a message from Cami saying she needs help, and we came over here to tell Klaus, and he just sped off in his car. And then we saw that he was painting, so we decided to take a quick snoop. I'm sorry it won't happen again."-L
"Is Cami okay?"-HM
Hayley had her arms back to her sides, and she walked up to them.

"We don't know, but hopefully, Klaus will make sure she will be."-AO
Hayley nodded and then took a step closer to them, looking at the painting. She smiled at the sight.
"He really does love her."-HM
"He does, and so does she."-L
"I heard they broke up. Cami's fault, right?"-HM
"Yeah, but she has her reasons."-L
"Well, we all know the breakup won't last long anyway."-HM
"Actually, I think they're done for good."-L
"What makes you say that?"-HM
"Cami has strong and reasonable reasons. She's being mature with her decision. It'll at least be a couple of years if they do decide to get back together. And that's a strong if."-L
"Well, I'm rooting for them. Now, you two need to get to bed."-HM
"We won't be able to sleep. We're too worried about Cami."-L
"Okay, I have a better idea."-HM

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