Alexandria Rose O'Connell

36 1 0

I know I haven't been updating much recently, but truth be told, this story is all over the place, and I'm losing inspiration at this point, but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry again for the long wait between chapters.

Cami remained in bed for a while longer while Lilly and Aiden continued to bombard her with continuous questions about her love life that she was pretty sure she had just ended for good.

"We need to get you guys back together. I'll literally do anything to help."-L
Lilly stated, looking down at Cami, who had her eyes closed and was laying on her back.

"Lilly, no. I am not getting up, and I am not going to go and talk to Klaus. I don't want to see him, talk to him, or even be near him for the next couple of days."-C

"So what you're saying is you want to act like he doesn't even exist?"-L

Cami sat up slightly, turning to Lilly.

Lilly let out an audible sigh.
"Fine, but that doesn't mean I won't try it again later. How about instead we do something? Today is about you. What do you want to do?"-L

Cami hadn't thought of the words until they came spilling out her mouth.
"I want to remember my daughter."-C

"About that, you're yet to explain to us how the hell you have a daughter."-AO

Cami took a long, deep breath before once again explaining everything. Lilly and Aiden had shared their words of comfort and how sorry they were, but Cami had heard it enough. Now, all she wanted to do was find her daughter.

"I need Hope's help. She can bring back my memories."-C

"I think I can help with that. If, like you said, magic was used to take away your magic, I could siphon away that magic, leaving your memories untouched."-L

Cami sat up completely, holding the pillow to her stomach.
"Can you do it now?"-C

"I could, if you're completely sure."-L

"I am. Do it."-C

Aiden looked at his cousin.
"Cami, think about this. We're right in the middle of a battle. You can't bring a child into all of this."-AO

"I won't bring her into this. Aiden, give me some credit, I'm not stupid. I just want to see if she's okay and safe."-C

"Okay, fine. Lilly, do what you want to do."-AO

Lilly drew a long breath, closing her eyes before placing her hands on the sides of Cami's head. The magic began flowing into Lilly's hands as she pressed on. A piercing scream was let out by the therapist, making the teenager immediately pull away.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot. You're a vampire. I'll be siphoning that, too."-L

Cami began heavily breathing.
"There has to be a way around it."-C

"There is, but it'll hurt. I could siphon just enough magic for you to keep your vampirism."-L

"Do it."-C
"Lilly! I said, do it!"-C
"Okay, okay."-L

Lilly, once again, placed her hands on Cami's head, focusing her skills on the magic coursing through Cami's mind. As she did so, Cami let out screams that she attempted to silence using a pillow, but eventually blood dripped from her eyes, landing on said pillow and staining it in the process.

Lilly quickly pulled her hands away after siphoning the last of the magic that corrupted Cami's mind. The blonde was panting heavily as she pulled the pillow away and wiped the blood off her eyes that had also managed to land on her shirt.

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