Salvatores and Mikaelsons vs Dereas

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"Don't call me Alex."-AD
Alexander stared at his brother who had just figured out his plan.
"Why? I've been calling you that since the beginning of your life."-ED
"Maybe it's time to leave the past behind."-AD
Edmund smiled and simply shook his head.
"The past is what make us who we are. Dare I say that you haven't changed a bit since I last saw you."-ED

"What were you expecting? Nevermind don't answer that because I don't care. Go hide under the same rock you crawled out from. I've got a guest."-AD
Alexander looked at Hayley who had found the two siblings bickering to be torture to her already pained body.
"Finally you're done. I couldn't stand much of that."-HM

"Klaus what did you to do them?"-CF
Caroline whispered from behind their hiding spot.
"Love, I've killed many people in my past. I don't remember each terrible deed."-K
"Ofcourse you don't."-CF
Caroline sighed in defeat.
"Nik, you do know that means you are the reason behind Cami's suffering."-KM

"I don't need you to remind me, Kol."-K
"Will you shut up and put aside your feelings for a couple of minutes?"-SS
"Fine, what's the plan?"-K
"I talked to Freya and she said if Edmund's heart stops beating then maybe the connection could break since the serum's host no longer needs the power."-BB

"So a quick snap of the neck could work?"-D
"Yes, maybe, I don't know. I haven't exactly researched this."-BB
"If we choose to believe the witch then we should get a plan in place."-K
"What happens when he comes back to life?"-CF
"I've got no idea."-BB

"What if we drain the remains of the serum out from his unconscious body?"-EM
"That could work."-BB
"So we've got a plan, now how do we go through with it?"-KM
Klaus vamped up to Edmund attempting to snap his neck, ignoring the protests from his 'friends'.

Edmund had quickly noticed and turned to Klaus before he could notice.
Klaus was flung back onto the boxes that were infront of the vampires and the Bennett witch.
Caroline whispered to him.
"What is wrong with you?!"-CF
Klaud ignored her again and stood up.
"Klaus Mikaelson, we meet again."-ED
"We do, this time under worse circumstances."-K
"Wh.. oh right your little blonde toy thing."-ED
"Don't you dare speak of her that way!"-K
A tint of amber appeared in his eyes.

"And I recommend that you don't speak that way to me otherwise we'll have some issues."-ED
"We had issues since the moment you killed Stacey."-K
Klaus cringed at the memory he had saw in Cami's mind.
"Who? Oh Cami's cousin."-ED

"Shut up Edmund, you're boring even me."-AD
"Hey Klaus. How are you since last we met?"-AD
"Do me a favour and skip the pleasantries. I heard about your little display of art at the King's Hotel."-K
Alexander's face quickly changed and the smile was immediately wiped off of his face.

"I won't let you bring back your coven."-K
"I'd like to see you stop me."-AD
"What is this about resurrecting our coven?"-ED
"Your brother is making a sacrificial pentagram, was it?"-K
"You're planning on resurrecting our family and you couldn't think to let your brother know?"-ED
"We weren't exactly on speaking terms."-AD

"I wonder who's fault that is."-ED
"This again?"-AD
"I loved her!"-ED
"I don't care. I never have and you shouldn't either."-AD
"I'm the older one, you should be listening to me."-ED
"Shut up. All this about stupid Delilah, she isn't worth it!"-AD
"She meant everything to me!"-ED
"She didn't seem to feel the same way about you."-AD

Klaus moved away from the brothers and looked back at the hiding spot. He nodded his head towards Hayley, letting them know that the brothers were distracted. Caroline noticed and quickly brought the responsibility on herself.
"I'll go, I'll be quick."-CF
"Hurry Caroline."-EM
Caroline quickly snuck over to Hayley as quite as possible.
Caroline looked up at Klaus and nodded to thank him.

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