Walk Of Shame

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Klaus and Cami had overslept for hours since they barely had any rest last night. A knock on the door wasn't enough to wake up the sleeping couple.

Hope finally gave up on knocking and was going to ask her mum if Klaus had left since she wasn't allowed in his room without permission incase he had company or just needed privacy.
"Yes Hope?"-HM
"Is dad home?"-H
"Yes, he should be in his room."-HM
"If he is, he isn't answering the door."-H
"Just go in then."-HM
"You know how dad is about privacy."-H
"Okay then, I'll go in. Follow me."-HM

Hayley walked back to Klaus' room and opened the door, almost immediately did her jaw drop as she closed the door before Hope could see.
"Mum, what are you doing?"-H
"Your dad's asleep. You should give him rest, he didn't sleep much yesterday."-HM
"Neither did I but I'm awake."-H
"Yes well, he didn't sleep at the same time as you."-HM
Hope narrowed her eyes at her mum.
"What's up with you?"-H
"Nothing, I'm just suggesting that you let you father sleep."-HM
"Mum, in all due respect, if dad got 5 minutes of sleep, you would still wake him up."-H

Hayley cursed herself, remembering just how much Hope knows about the weird subling bond she had with Klaus.
"Okay, Hope, I was trying to be nice but you really need to learn when to listen to me. Go downstairs for breakfast."-HM
"No buts, now go, mother's orders."-HM
Hope went down the stairs, annoyed like she always got when her mum acted like she was the boss of everything.

Kol was at the bottom of the stairs, Hope suspected he was about to go up to bed.
"Hey darling, what's with the sour face."-KM
"Mum's being all bossy and mum like again."-H
"Ah, that explains it. How about I get your dad to go fetch some of those beignets you love to lighten your mood."-KM
"Good luck with that, mum wants us to let him sleep."-H
"But she would never say that."-KM
"That's what I said!"-H

"Well then, let's go wake up your dad then, shall we?"-KM
"I'd love to."-H
Hope followed her uncle back up to her dad's room and before she could suggest knocking on the door again, Kol opened it and walked inside. He turned on the lights.
"Rise and shine, big brother. Another day, another hooray for the Mikaels..."-KM
Kol stopped speaking when he heard a groan but from what it sounded like, it was coming from a woman. He looked at Hope who also seemed to hear what he had.

"Was that a girl?"-H
"It seems so."-KM
"Okay, as much as I love my dad, I would rather not see what girl he brought to bed."-H
Hope was about to leave when she heard a small mumble. She quickly turned back around and saw glimpses of blonde hair from under the blanket.

Hope shouted so loud that Rebekah, Elijah, Freya and Hayley all came running to Klaus' room. The shout had also startled Cami and she had woken up. She looked around, immediately recognising her surroundings and then she noticed the entire Mikaelson family infront of her.
"Oh my god."-C
Hope looked towards the side of the bed and saw her dad and Cami's clothing on the ground.
"Okay, that's enough for me. I'm leaving."-H
Hope rushed to the door and headed downstairs.

Cami tried to hide herself under the sheets.
"Oh you two have been caught red handed."-KM
Klaus had began moving around in his side of the bed, his eyes were now opened, adjusting to the brightness of the room. A smile came to his face when memories of last night came back to him.
"Oh Nik, you seem to have an after glow after your, I'm guessing, very eventful night."-R

Klaus slightly moved his head up, now noticing his entire family in the room. He looked to his side to see Cami turning pink in embarrassment.
"Get out all of you."-K
"Oh come on, Nik. Not like we haven't seen you naked before unless it's your girlfriend that your worried about."-KM
Cami pulled the blanket higher over her, silently cursing herself for not thinking of locking the door.

The New EvilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora