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Cami woke up the next morning with her clothes from last night still on and with a pounding headache from all the wine and shots of tequila. The blonde looked around and realised that she was on her own in her bedroom without Lexi. She immediately stood up and left the room, looking around for Lexi. She went upstairs and went into Lilly's room, thankfully finding the toddler there playing a game with the teenager. Lilly looked up at her mum, who looked like she had been through hell.

"Mum, you look terrible. What the hell happened last night?"-L
Cami was about to answer but heard the lock of the bathroom door open and out came Aiden.

"Cami, finally, you woke up. How much did you drink last night?"-AO
Aiden joined Lilly and Lexi on the bed, messing around with one of the toys. Cami sat with them, too, sitting on the edge.

The blonde attempted to recall last night's events when she finally remembered the number of guys she had danced and made out with.
"Oh my god, I'm a terrible mother."-C

"No, you're not. Why do you say that?"-L

"I'll explain everything to you guys after I take a shower. I reek of alcohol. Take care of Lex."-C
"Sure thing."-AO

Cami went back downstairs, quickly discarding her clothing and hopping into the shower, hoping to get the awful smell out. While the water poured down her body, she thought of everything that she had done and thought of while she was drunk. She was surprised she hadn't gone home with some guy in the bar.

As she rinsed the shampoo from her hair, she let it sink in about what exactly she had done. Strangers and tequila combined with dancing and making out. She felt disgusting, but she also felt that way because she had enjoyed it. She had forgotten everything that had happened for a while, and she blew off some steam, but did that make her a bad mother? For partying while her kids were at home? She didn't know what to think when she finally climbed out the shower and changed into some pyjamas. There was no way she was going to go to work today.

Cami made her way back upstairs to find the three right where she left them. She sat on the bed and began explaining everything from the phone call to what she remembered from last night. She started apologising for being a bad mother, but Lilly and Aiden comforted her, saying it was alright to just let loose sometimes. After a while, Cami stopped feeling bad for herself and moved the topic to the children, asking them about the wedding.

As expected, Lilly agreed to be a bridesmaid after celebrating the fact that she was going to be one. Aiden was perfectly fine with going, and was more than happy when he heard they were able to bring their friend group along, including Mia. The group then started talking about how they were going to see Klaus there and what Cami would do if she saw him. The blonde explained that she was over him now and didn't really care if she saw him or not to which the two teenagers rejoiced about, knowing that Cami was now over him. But what they didn't know is that the reason she had gone off and kissed a bunch of guys last night was to forget about Klaus.

After a few more minutes of discussing Klaus, they talked about how they need to get packed and how it would basically be a longer summer holiday. Aiden and Lilly called all their friends that were invited, and they all said yes after asking their parents who were fine with it because they trusted Cami. The blonde was able to push back all her appointments since she was in charge of the place anyway.

Before they started packing, Cami suggested they go on a walk to clear their minds. The therapist always thought it was a nice way to take in the nature and beauty of everything around while breathing in fresh air so they normally went on walks as a family with some of their friends joining at times.

The family was walking through the streets of Savannah, nodding and greeting everyone they saw. They eventually came past their favourite ice cream shop, where they picked up their go-to flavours before heading back out to go into the park.

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