I Do Love You

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Klaus ran to his daughter who didn't look too shaken up. Hayley had her arms around Hope while everyone watched in awe.
"Hope, are you alright?"-K
Klaus spoke with a soft voice, afraid to scare his daughter since her sense were heightened.
"I'm fine dad."-H
Her voice was muffled because her head was in her mum's shoulder.
"Mum, you can let me go now."-H

Hayley let go of her daughter and watched as Hope stood up to hug her dad.
"Thank god you're okay!"-H
"Thank you, but you shouldn't have done this Hope."-K
Hope was slightly frustrated at her dad but was mostly confused.
"Why not? I'm stronger. Isn't that what you wanted? A strong heir?"-H
Hope was still mad about what her dad said but she did know that he didn't mean it.
"Hope, you are my daughter. Not an heir. You are the light of my life and I would never let anyone hurt you."-K
Hope smiled at him and so did Klaus.
"Those who dare threaten you will be struck down and those who do you harm will suffer in ways that will make the devil weep."-K

Hope kissed her dad on the cheek.
"Thanks dad, but I really need some blood before I drain it from Elena or Bonnie."-H
"I don't think Klaus would mind."-R
Rebekah smiled at her brother.
"Kol, go get Hope a blood bag since this was your plan after all."-K
Kol rolled his eyes before walking away.
Rebekah went over to hug her brother.
"You're a really ass, you know? Turning your humanity off was really stupid."-R
Klaus suddenly remembered his conversation with Cami.
"Camille, she turned it off. Where is she?"-K
Klaus let go of his sister.
"We don't know. She was meant to be in Florida but I guess she's back."-R

Freya walked up to them.
"If Cami is here with her humanity off, then where's Lilly?"-F
Klaus was filled with worry about a child that he loved enough to be his daughter.
"Someone call Lilly! See if she's okay! I'll tend to Cami while Hayley looks after Hope."-K
"As much as I would love to stay here with our daughter, I think that I should come with you. Who knows what you can do with a broken heart?"-HM
"A broken heart? I'm afraid you must be thinking of someone else."-K
"Nope I'm thinking about the maniac that is about to hear some... things from the woman he loves."-HM
"Fine but someone has to stay here with Hope."-K

Kol returned with a few blood bags and handed them to Hope who was clearly trying not to feed on her friends. Klaus and Hayley were standing besides their daughter.
"Hope, you'll need to drink this."-HM
Hope nodded and began sucking on the blood bag. Within, seconds, the bag was empty and Hope was already moving onto her second one. She didn't seem to regret her choice or seem disgusted by drinking human blood.
"Why does it taste so weird?"-H
"Blood has a certain taste to it depending on where it comes from. If it comes from the vein, it'll taste fresh but if it's from a blood bag, it has a sort of metallic taste to it."-K
Hope smiled at her dad who was clearly trying to support her in his own way.
"Hope, do you need me to stay? I could help."-HM
"No it's fine, honestly. You go with dad. Cami needs your help."-H
Hayley nodded and turned back to Klaus who was looking at his oldest brother.
"Elijah, I need you to take care of my daughter for me."-K

"I'm afraid that I have some business to tend to with a certain witch."-EM
"I'll join him. That bitch needs to be taught a lesson. No one messes with my family."-R
"Don't leave me out of it! I want to hit someone. I'll go get my bat."-KM
Kol looked at Damon who was clearly having flashbacks.
"I have an aluminum one this time."-KM
Kol winked at him before turning to his oldest brother.
"I'm coming with you. I want to beat the crap out of that guy."-KM
"Well, we should get going."-EM
Kol and Rebekah nodded while they followed their brother out.
Before they left, Elijah looked at the group from Mystic Falls.
"Take care of my niece."-EM
They all nodded back at him then the three Original Vampires left to go search for Alexander.

Freya turned to Klaus who was waiting for Hayley to stop talking to Hope.
"I'm going to try to locate him using magic."-F
"Get help from the other witches."-K
Freya nodded and looked at the others.
"Bonnie and Davina, I could use your help for a spell."-F
"I'll be there in a minute."-DC
Davina walked towards Klaus.
"Nice to see you cooperating for once. What changed?"-K
"I'm not cooperating nor will I ever work with you but I will do what's best for Marcel's city."-DC
"Right ofcourse, you have to make the king of New Orleans proud. But do I have to remind you that I built this city and it belongs to me?"-K
"Nice to see nothing's changed including the fact that I own this city."-ML
Marcel walked in, acting as if he owned the place.

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