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"How are you alive? I killed you."-K
"Yeah, you ripped out my heart which isn't a very nice way to kill someone."-AD
Alexander walked up to Klaus but Klaus refused to act scared infront of someone who he classed as a 'lesser man'.

"Who are you?"-CF
Alexander turned to Caroline, Rebekah and Hayley.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Alexander Dereas."-AD
He bowed to the girls and kissed their hand. Rebekah and Hayley pulled their hands away in disgust while Caroline was stunned at his manners.
"I'm a friend of Klaus' '"-AD
He turned back to Klaus.
"Isn't that right?"-AD
A small smirk appeared on Klaus' face.
"Ofcourse but all my friends end up dead."-K
Klaus pushed Alexander to the floor and began punching him.
Within seconds, Alexander had Klaus pinned to the floor. He stood up and put his foot on Klaus' neck. Just then, a gust of wind came and Alexander's back was against a wall. He chuckled, clearly impressed.
"Elijah Mikaelson, the noble brother. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."-AD
Elijah tightened his grip around his throat.
"Choose your next words very carefully or your head will be on the other side of this room."-EM
Alexander smiled.
"I always preferred you to your brother."-AD

"Uncle Elijah!"-H
Hope walked in, making Elijah turn his head.
Alexander took the opportunity to grab Elijah's arm and twist it.
Elijah grabbed his arm, snapping it back into place. Hayley vamped  towards Alexander and punched him in the face, before trying to snap his neck. She put her hands on his head, attempting to snap it but he casted a spell that pushed Hayley back towards Hope.
Klaus stood up and vamped back to Alexander who, with ease, kicked him in the stomach and pushed him back.
Hope got angrier after seeing her dad being hurt and she cast a spell but Alexander had her in his grasp. He held her up and turned back to the rest of the family who immediately stood up and got ready to face him.
"Get away from my daughter!"-K
Klaus was about to vamp to him but Alexander shouted at them.
"If anyone of you come near me... How did Elijah put it? Oh yes, Hope's head will be on the other side of the room."-AD
He smiled as he tightened his grip around Hope's throat.

Alexander's knees began snapping, his shirt covered with his own blood as he collapsed onto the floor. Everyone turned around to see Bonnie.
"Nobody messes with a friend of mine."-BB
Hope gasped for breaths before running towards her dad. She hugged him.
Klaus pulled away and looked at his daughter. He wiped away her tears.
"You're okay."-K
Hope hugged him again before going up to Bonnie.
"Bonnie, you saved my life."-H
"I've gotten used to it."-BB
Bonnie smiled and hugged her. Hope moved away from her and Bonnie received the tightest hug from her best friend.
"Why are you here? You're supposed to be in Mystic Falls."-CF
"So is everyone else."-BB
Caroline looked behind Bonnie and saw Elena, Stefan and Damon.
"Hi Care."-E
Elena hugged Caroline.
"Didn't you think to tell us before you headed out?"-E
"I know. I'm sorry but why are you here?"-CF
"We're here for Lilly."-SS
Stefan came forward and smiled at Caroline.
"Why Lilly?"-CF
"Her birthday? It's coming up in 2 weeks. We thought we could try to give her the best party she's had."-BB
"Aren't you a bit early?"-CF
"The sooner, the better."-BB
Caroline smiled and looked at Damon confused.
"I am here against my free will."-D
Damon looked at Elena who rolled her eyes. Elena and Stefan were still together and Damon was still jealous as ever.
"Ofcourse why else would the Damon Salvatore attend a birthday party?"-CF
Caroline smiled and turned around when she heard a pained groan come from Alexander.
The 2 Original siblings were standing around him while Hayley and Klaus stood by Hope, protecting her. Everyone turned their heads when they heard a sound come from outside.
"Whoa, what happened here? Another family squabble that I wasn't invited to?"-KM
Elena stood behind Stefan, hiding herself from his view. Kol's attention was immediately turned to Alexander.
"Oh and who is this attractive gentleman?"-KM
"Kol, this 'attractive gentlemen' just tried to kill our niece."-R
"It's always the attractive ones."-KM
Kol sighed and walked up to him.
"But don't think that just because your hot, you get to live after hurting my niece."-KM
Kol reached into his chest and twisted his heart, receiving another pained groan from Alexander.
"Any last words?"-KM
"You can't kill me."-AD
"Well then, I guess I'll have to prove you wrong."-KM
Kol ripped out his heart and smiled as he turned to his siblings who were looking at him, disappointed.
"What? Did you expect me to let him live after what he did to Hope because there was no chance in hell I would let that slide."-KM
"Ofcourse not you idiot. Alexander will be back soon."-R
Kol looked down at the heart in his hand.
"Bekah, this is his heart and I know you're not so smart but no heart means no life."-KM
Kol dropped the heart onto the floor and looked at Hope, Hayley and Klaus who all stood by eachother. Klaus then walked up to his younger brother.
"I killed him earlier but he has a tendency to not stay dead."-K
"What is he?"-KM
"I'll tell you."-F
Freya came in from outside.
"Freya where were you? We could have used your help."-K
"I'm sorry I was busy."-F
"Busy doing what? What could possibly be more important then protecting your own blood?"-K
"Figuring out what attacked my family."-F
Everyone moved closer to hear what Freya had to say.
"Well, don't stand on ceremony. What is he?"-K
"A survivor from the asphodel coven."-F
"What's that?"-CF
"It's a coven that is over a thousand years old. Older than us."-F

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