Turn It On!

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Edmund walked into the plane with Cami still in his arms. He put her down on two chairs that were to the side of his own. He looked around for his bodyguard-Louis Mccarthy-and then signalled him to come closer. Louis walked towards him and looked down at the sleeping beauty.

"How may I help?"-LM
He looked at Edmund, who was focusing on Cami.
"I need you to stand here. If she shows any signs of waking up, I want you to snap her neck again but it should be awhile until she wakes, she has just turned."-ED
Louis nodded.
"She'll need more blood or else she'll go on a killing rampage when we land."-LM
"I'm well aware of the feeding appetite of a newly turned vampire."-ED
"I apologise, I thought.."-LM
"See that's the thing. Your job isn't to think. Just to protect me."-ED
"Yes sir."-LM

Edmund looked down at Cami once more before going into the cockpit. He walked in and only saw the co-pilot who had her back to him.
"Where's the werewolf?"-ED
"You mean Chris? He went to go see you."
She turned around revealing a very mature looking woman who looked like she was in her early twenties.
"And you are?"-ED
"I'm Leah."-LP
(LP is for Leah Pipes)

"Yes, I didn't mean your name. I couldn't care less about that. What species are you?"-ED
"Oh I'm a witch like you."-LP
Edmund walked towards her chair.
"You are nothing like me. Don't you dare compare me to you, you foolish peasant!"-ED
"Peasant? What, are we in 'ye olden days? Who the hell speaks like that?"-LP
"I do and about your little comment, I am older than a millenia."-ED
"Right, you're 2000 years old but we're not vampires. Just because you're older, doesn't make you stronger. Actually, it might even make you weaker."-LP
Edmund smiled at her before taking out his knife and plunging it into her heart. He smiled again when he saw the blood splatter on the floor and walls. He carefully placed the knife back and turned around to find the pilot he was talking to earlier.

"Just the man I was looking for."-ED
Edmund patted him on the shoulder.
"I need you to fly this thing as fast as you can."-ED
He was about to leave when he stopped again.
"Oh and you're an only pilot now."-ED
He pointed to Leah who was now on the floor surrounded by a pool of blood.
"You should also probably get that cleaned up."-ED
The werewolf nodded and watched as Edmund left the cockpit.

He sat down in his chair and put on his seatbelt. Stacey was passed out in one of the back seats while his bodyguard was sitting besides Cami. Edmund looked at Louis' seatbelt gesturing for him to put it on. The man caught his gaze.

"I'm a vampire."
"Better safe then sorry but it is your life."-ED
He took out his phone and began texting someone about their whereabouts.

'The Mikaelson Compound'

Klaus was chained down to the ground using a special type of chain that Aurora had once used on him but just in case Freya and Bonnie had reinforced them with their magic. Everyone was surrounding him in a large circle:
Freya, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Hayley, Hope, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon and Davina who had arrived shortly after.

"How do we do this?"-E
"We've just got to trigger an emotion."-CF
"I know but that's hard. I tried to do once, with Stefan and.."-E
"Oh for God's sake Elena, we don't need your life story. This is about my brother. It has nothing to do with you and your petty little boyfriend."-R
Rebekah glared at her before turning to Elijah.

"Who should go first?"-R
"Let's first see what emotion each of us can possibly trigger."-EM
"Well that's easy. Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie can all trigger anger or maybe pure hatred."-R
"Yes, let's try calmer emotions first. We don't want to provoke him."-EM
"Fine, maybe we could get in his head. I heard Kol's death hurt him quite a bit."-R
She eyed Elena from the corner of her eye, making Elena uncomfortable. She looked at Stefan for some help but he was looking straight at Rebekah like nothing happened.

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